Fighting the Cold War
Fighting the Cold War
Later Cold War

This was the purpose of "Duck & Cover drills" in schools during the Cold War: 

What is to instruct children on how to protect themselves in the event of a nuclear attack?


The reason the Cold War is called "Cold?"

What is because there is no military confrontation between the two superpowers?


Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia and many more eastern European nations were examples of...

What are Soviet satellite nations?


These were both examples of proxy wars: 

What are the Korean and Vietnam Wars?


This was the counterpart of NATO:

What is Warsaw Pact?


This definition of the Cold War focuses on two important characteristics of the conflict: 

What is an ideological and political rivalry?


This was one of the root motives for the Marshall Plan:

What is to bring economic stability to Europe and prevent a communist takeover?


These were two successes of the Berlin Airlift for the Allies: 

What are they were able to avoid a military confrontation with the Soviets and keep the city of Berlin alive with supplies?


This event in 1962 could have resulted in nuclear destruction for the world: 

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?


The name of a very popular 1960s American sitcom series that centered on an American astronaut who found a genie in a bottle and eventually they fall in love

What is "I dream of Genie"


Fill in the blank: 

In the Soviet economy, private _______ did not exist. While in the United States, the capitalist economy allowed for private ________. 

What is property and ownership?


The following political cartoon illustrates which United States policy?

What is the Truman Doctrine?


These are reasons why the Berlin Wall was first erected in 1961: 

What are, to keep east Berliners from fleeing to the West and to stabilize east Berlin's economy?


Fighting in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars ended with...

What is a stalemate or ceasefire?


This is the American president credited with ending the Cold War: 

Who is Ronald Reagan?