Does consent have to be given verbally?
no, not necessarily! it can be given through actions, but it must be enthusiastic and ongoing.
You and your boyfriend have an argument over which movie to watch. You compromise and decide to watch one movie one night and another movie the next. Is this an example of healthy or unhealthy conflict/resolution?
Name the office where you'd go to report a sexual harassment/abuse or misconduct case.
Title IX Office!
Which month in the year is Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM)?
April! SHARE runs the majority of our events throughout the year during April because of this!
What sport did Yeardley Love (One Love in memory of her) play?
Is coercion more often verbal or physical?
Coercion tends to be verbal and emotional, in the form of statements that makes one feel pressure, guilt, or shame. It can vary from being egged on and persuaded, to being forced to have contact.
You met a girl at a party last week and went on one date with her since. She keeps calling you and threatening to drive to your house. What should you do?
a. Tell your parents
b. Tell your counselor/advisor
c. Tell a trusted friend
d. Any/All of the above
D! The person you tell can essentially change the outcome, but each of these options can help in a different way.
True or False: The Hoaglin Wellness Center staff are ALWAYS mandated reporters.
Are SHARE members mandated reporters?
What percentage of transgender and nonbinary people experience relationship abuse in their lifetime?
What is the difference between sexual harassment and sexual assault?
harassment: persistent, can be verbal or physical, in relation to sexual activity
assault: actual or attempted sexual activity as a result of the harassment concepts
Tre (he/him) breaks up with Leah (ze/zir). Leah is still in love and really wants to make it work. For the next few months, Leah sends a weekly text to Tre, telling him how wonderful he is. Tre doesn’t respond, but eventually asks Leah to stop. Leah sends a sad face emoji and a few more compliments before eventually stopping. What type of sexual misconduct is this?
If you or a friend had a SA or harassment case that you didn't want to or know how to bring to Title IX quite yet, which on-campus group could you talk to for survivor support and care?
What does SHARE stand for?
Sexual Harassment and Assault Resources and Education
1 in how many men will be in an abusive relationship at some point in their lives?
Domestic violence can be deemed as a felony or misdemeanor.
If you and your significant other are fighting and it becomes aggressive to a point of threatened safety, what should you do?
Defuse the situation! Go to your friends and make sure not to be alone until the situation blows over. Don't end things right then! The chances of violence becoming deadly increase by more than 70% directly after a victim chooses to leave.
Name two mandated reporters on campus.
Denison Faculty and Staff, Student Employees, Campus Safety, Granville Police Department, Title IX Office
Name the SHARE workshop in which any student can be trained to talk to survivors.
Helping Hands!
How many people have participated in a One Love Workshop nationwide?
Upwards of 2.2 million!
What are two examples of emotional abuse?
threats, insults, constant monitoring, excessive jealousy, manipulation, humiliation, intimidation, dismissiveness
Your significant other gets drunk all the time. You keep trying to make excuses for him, but he has been verbally abusive. He has never hit you. What kind of harassment is this?
Dating Violence!
What is the name of the Title IX Senior Investigator?
Matt Boaz!
Name one campus organization or group that SHARE works with for events and outreach.
DCSR, DPP, FSL, Title IX, MGC, One Love!
What percentage of people in an abusive relationship ever tell anybody about it?