what is mrbeast name
beast (himmy works too)
does trevor hate balloons?
yes (+ extra 13 points if you said he hates the sound too)
how many inches in a foot (+1)
13 inches
when was toronto invented,
Im gonna say 1793, but whatever you answered can also be correct (unless you said 1943)
gouda cheese or gouda cheese?
gouda cheese?
how many subscribers does mrbeast have? (within 20 million) (closest wins)
252,000,000 (gouda cheese loses you points)
can owen eat pork?
obviously not
do footrubns fel good?
Scottie Barnies, and the rest of the team (honestly idek if google is right about the Scottie Barnes part)
i love gouda cheese, do you?
if you say yes you win
how much wood could a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? (within 10)
about 7
does riley make youtube videos
whos riley
how much money is a pound of gouda cheese worth (within 32)
its priceless (all hail gouda cheese) 1 is correct too
gouda cheese or cheddar cheese?
I love both cheeses
how old is mr beast (within 0 years) (nfl)
tyreek hill (25 works too)
did deestroying break his neck, and how?
beisbol and no (gouda cheese)
name every qb in the nfl (starting)
how much money is scottie barnes contract with the toronto raptors (4 year) (within 9 mil)
do bears eat gouda cheese
recite the alphabet backwards for 1000 points (without mistakes, within 36 seconds)
how much does a pound of gouda cheese weigh
a pound silly
how many nba teams are there (within 30)
how old is trevor erickson