Kinetic Energy
Egg drop and Misc.
Newtons laws 1

How many joules would a 15 kg item have if it was dropped from a height of 15 meters?

2205 joules


What is the Kinetic Energy of a 1200 kg object that is moving with a speed of 24 m/s?

345,600.00 joules


In your egg drop lab where did your device show Newton’s third law of motion and how did it show it?

Possible answers 

When dropped the air was pushing on the box and the box pushing on the air

When landed box hit the ground and the ground hit the box


Which of Newton’s laws states that an object tends to continue in the same path unless acted on by another force?

First law


If I have a 200 kg object traveling at 25 meters per second what would have more of an effect on the total joules?

adding mass or velocity?



What would be the effect of the total potential energy be if an item were to be dropped on the moon where there is less gravity and why

The total energy would be less becasue ther is less gravity


An object has a kinetic energy of 25 J and a mass of 34 kg , how fast is the object moving?

1.21 m/s


At what point in the egg drop did your device show Newton’s second law of motion and how did it show this?

When the box hit the ground it had a lot of force becasue the boxed accelerted to a stop quickly 


Which of Newton’s laws fits the following example.  You are flying a kite and the wind pulls on the fabric making it fly into the air.

3rd law action reaction


What is the acceleration of an object that has a mass of 5kg and has a force of 25n

5 m/s2


If I drop a ball  that weighs 25 kg from a height of 25 meter and has a potential energy of 15493.77 j. What is the pull of gravity?

Any idea of the planet? 




An object moving with a speed of 35 m/s and has a kinetic energy of 1500 J, what is the  mass of the object.

2.44 kgs


At what point in your egg drop did it show Newton’s first law of motion and explain how does it show it?

When you dropped the box it was not in motion until an outside force, gravity pulled the box down.


What is the term for the tendency of a moving object to want to keep moving?



What would have more of an effect on the GPE,  if I added more mass or more height?

Both have the same effect.


If I drop a ball from 15 meters and has a total potential energy of 3234j how much does the ball weigh?

22 meters


What would the total Joules be of an object that weighs 25 kg moving at 21 meters per second?

5512.5 joules


 If I am figuring the velocity of an object what two measurements do I need?

Distance and time


What is the force of an object that has a mass of 3kg and an acceleration of 15m/s?

45 newtons


If a car is rolling down a hill and hits a wall which of Newtons laws would this be?

Newton's first law 

Object in motion stay in motion unless acted on by an outside force.


If I am just holding a ball in my hand but have not dropped it yet what type of energy does it have?



What are the three kinetic energy equations?


2ke/m=v2 the square root it



 If I am figuring out acceleration what data do I need?

Speed and time


What is the mass of an object that has an acceleration of 17 m/s and has a force of  221n?

13 kg


Which of Newtons laws would tell you that it is harder to  push a car than a bicycle?

Newton's second law.