Social Media Literacy
Fun Facts

What is a microaggression?

Indirect, subtle, or unintentional statement, action or incident against members of a marginalized group, usually racial or ethnic minorities, but can also reference religion, socioeconomic status, or disability.


What does SOCM stand for?

Students of Color Matter


What is the definition of privilege?

A special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.


What is Media Literacy?

The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, create, and act using all forms of communication.


Which STS 8 supervising teacher is also a singer?

Ms. Koomson-Davis


Microaggressions stem from this.

What are stereotypes / bias / assumptions?


What year was the movement?



What identifiers can be a source of privilege?

Race, Religion, Ability, Age, Ethnicity, Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Socioeconomic Status


What is Imposter Syndrome?

The condition of feeling anxious and not experiencing success internally, despite being high-performing in external, objective ways.


Name an STS 8 leader who ran for FSG President (and lost)?

Rachel, Alexa, Caroline, and Austin


What are the effects of microaggressions?

The effects of microaggressions are corrosive and create an ongoing feeling of being regarded as a second-class citizen, inferior, or even dangerous.


Name two demands of the 2019 lockout.

1) Release the official disciplinary decision as is common practice after the DC has convened;               2) Provide a written apology from each of the students involved in the videos;
3) Ensure that the victimized students are granted academic leniency;
4) Conduct a global investigation into systemic racism at Fieldston.”    

1) Change the Disciplinary Committee process;           2) Include student representation on the ECFS Board;
3) Provide bias training for all faculty, administrators and staff;
4) Hire more faculty of color;                                     5) Provide attrition data on faculty of color;                 6) Recruit and retain more students of color;               7) Provide data on bias incidents on campus;               8) Include diversity requirements within the school curriculum across divisions;                                       9) Include indigenous history and English electives in the curriculum;
10) Require a mandatory Black Studies Course at Fieldston;
11) Require diversity and bias training for ALL parents; 12) Establish mandatory racial affinity groups starting in elementary;
13) End racial profiling on campus;                             14) Hire an ombudsperson;                                         15) Protect teachers and students for speaking out against known injustices;
16) Implement a new reporting system for incidents of bias, bigotry and racism.”


What identifiers does mass incarceration disproportionately affect?

People of color, specifically African-American males.


What is cyberbullying?

Willful and repeated harm inflicted through the use of computers, cell phones, and other electronic devices.


How many STS 8 leaders are there?



You commit a microaggression. What should you do?

Always acknowledge it, letting the feeling linger will make everyone feel worse. Be proactive in apologizing to the other person and make it clear that you understand why your actions were hurtful and inappropriate.


How many demands are there?



If the type of oppression is gender, who is the target group and who is the non target group?

Women and transgender people are the target group, while men are the non-target group.


What is propaganda or misinformation?

False or misleading information that is spread deliberately to deceive people.


Which STS leader is our current FSG president?



Michael quotes he is part of this group in the office episode clip.

Native American–Indian


Name a faculty member who signed the email we read in class.

Nancy Banks, Student Programs

Roy Blumenfeld, City Semester

Tom Christensen, Music

Paul Church, Science

Vincent Drybala, English

Rachel Ehrlich, Ethics

Meg Hanson, Math

Nelie Locher, Library

Clare Mottola, Theatre and Dance

Jessica Romano, Learning Center

Scott Sousa, Physical Education

Jen Tammi, History

Scott Wolfson, Visual Arts


How many times more likely are black men to be incarcerated than white men?

Six times more likely


This is reported in 13% of 12-17 year olds.

What is depression?


Which STS 8 leaders have parents that work in the high school?

Liam, Marcus, and Maya