Special Forces/Dont Go Down with the Ship
Squad Leaders
Famous Saints
Holy Days of Obligation
Terms of Sacred Items at Mass

The goal of our earthly life is to journey to this place.

What is heaven?


They are spirits with intelligence and free-will who glorify and serve God.

What are angels?


He is the patron saint of our church here in Denison and all of Ireland. His feast day is March 17th.

Who is St.Patrick?


The day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

What is Christmas?


The large and fancy goblet that will hold the Blood of Christ.

What is the Chalice?


This opened up heaven's gates for us.

What is Jesus' Death and Resurrection?


This person is the center of both our world and the angelic world.

Who is Jesus?


She led the French army to several victories during the hundred years war and was burned at the stake.

Who is St.Joan of Arc?


Commemorates the day when Mary entered the gates of heaven.

What is the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary?


The small wafers made of pure, wheat flour that are consecrated and become the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Jesus Christ.

What are the Hosts?


God’s instructions on how to lead holy lives which were first given to Moses.

What are the 10 Commandments?


This archangel is often depicted as a warrior, fighting against evil.

Who is Michael?


He is an Italian friar known for his stigmata and miraculous healings. He is celebrated Sept 23rd.

Who is St. Padre Pio?


Many people believe this day to be a Holy day of obligation, however it is not. Still it happens to be a very well attended Mass and starts off the season of Lent.

What is Ash Wednesday?


The little glass pitchers that hold the water and wine.

What are the cruets?


Because of Adam and Eve’s sin, we have inherited this mark on our souls. It is washed away at our Baptism.

What is original sin?


This archangel is most famous for delivering important messages, such as the Annunciation to Mary.

Who is Gabriel?


She was a French nun known for her "little way" of spirituality. She is celebrated on October 1st.

Who is St. Therese of Lisieux?


The day Jesus' body enters the gates of heaven. It happens 40 days after Easter.

What is the Ascension of the Lord?


A beautiful, sacred vessel that is used to expose a consecrated host for adoration.

What is the Monstrance?


This is the tendency of humans to sin.

What is concupiscence?


This archangel is known as a healing and guiding angel.

Who is Raphael?


He was martyred by his faith at 14 years old. Most famous for his last words "Viva Cristo Rey" which means "Long live Christ the King".

Who is St. Jose Sanchez del Rio?


A feast day dedicated to Mary's motherhood of Jesus Christ. 

What is the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God?


The special container that looks similar to a chalice, only with a lid. It is kept inside the tabernacle.

What is the ciborium?