Native Americans
Fast Facts

This tribe lived in the eastern part of America near the where the state of Virginia is today. Their houses were made of small trees with 6 to 20 people living in each house. Men hunted, fished, built canoes and cleared land while the women grew, gathered, and prepared food, made clothes, and got water and firewood for the family. This tribe also worshiped many spirits with shamans leading the tribe to worship.

The Powhatan


What do we call things that help us remember important people and events?



The landforms and bodies of water in a region



Which group of immigrants brought the tradition of the Christmas Tree?


True or False.

The Presidents carved into Mount Rushmore were chosen to help remind people to make the nation strong.



This tribe lived in the midwestern part of America and settled on the plains near where states like South Dakota are today. They hunted buffalo and used the hides for clothing and tepees. 

This tribe believed nature should be honored. They also believed in many gods and worshipped them in special ceremonies.

The Lakota


True or False.

Memorials are only statues.


Memorials can be statues, walls, or even large outdoor areas.


The beliefs and behaviors of a group of people. It is a way of life and affects how people think and speak. 



Immigrants from Scotland and Ireland made their homes in what region of the United States?

They brought music like fiddle playing and food like fried chicken and mashed potatoes.

The Southeast


What did Alexander Graham Bell invent?

The telephone


This tribe lived in the southwestern part of America near where the states of New Mexico and Arizona are today.

They lived in houses stacked on top of each other with ladders connecting the houses. They were mostly farmers and grew crops that grew well in the desert without much water (like corn, beans, and squash).

This tribe believed in many spirits called kachina and religious leaders wore masks during special rituals to represent kachina. 

The Pueblo


What memorial is carved into the side of a mountain and is a memorial to 4 Presidents of the United States

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Who were the first people to live in North America? They lived in many different groups or tribes. 

Native Americans


Immigrants from Asia settled in what region of the United States?

The brought skills like sewing, cooking, and growing fruits and vegetables. 

The West


Who wrote the song "God Bless America"?

John Philip Sousa


Who was the famous Lakota leader that help his people fight the government to keep from taking their land. Many years later his people, with the help of a Lakota chief named Standing Bear, a memorial was started by a sculptor named Korczak Ziolkowski. His family has continued his mission and still works on the memorial today.

Crazy Horse


What statue has welcomed immigrants coming from other countries since 1885. (It sits in the New York Harbor)

The Statue of Liberty


What is the term used to describe what people do for fun?



Immigrants from Germany settled in what region of the United States?

They grew crops and ran dairy farms. They helped the region become America's Heartland.

The Midwest


Who was the famous black baseball player that was born in Georgia and went on to be named Rookie of the Year and later the Most Valuable Player while playing for the Los Angeles Dodgers. He was also entered into the Baseball Hall of Fame. 

Jackie Robinson