Period 5
Period 6
Period 7
Period 8

Congress adopted this, which admitted California to the Union as a free state without forbidding slavery in other territories acquired from Mexico.

What is the compromise of 1850?


This act was the nation’s first law to ban immigration by race or nationality. The act, which was renewed and enforced until 1943, banned Chinese immigration for ten years and prohibited the Chinese from becoming citizens.

What is the Chinese Exclusion Act?


On February 15, 1898 an explosion sank the USS Maine in Havana harbor. A naval court of inquiry blamed the explosion on a mine, further inflaming public sentiment against Spain. After ten days of debate, Congress declared war, but only after adopting the Teller Amendment, in which the United States made it clear that it did not harbor imperialist ambitions.

What is the Spanish American War?


On March 12, 1947, the President announced this, a policy plan to keep Communism from spreading to politically unstable countries. Fearing that poverty and other conditions created by World War II might make Europe susceptible to Communism, the American government funneled about thirteen billion dollars into Western Europe to rehabilitate and stabilize countries through the Marshall Plan (or European Recovery Program).

What is the Truman Doctrine?


Determined to win the 1972 presidential election, the Nixon administration sent special agents—called the “Plumbers”—to the headquarters of the Democratic National Committee at this hotel.

What is Watergate?


Congress passed this as part of the Compromise of 1850. The law forced northerners to cooperate in returning runaway slaves to the South.

What is the fugitive slave act? 


In the war against western Sioux, General George Custer and more than two hundred of his men died along this Montana location at the hands of Sioux and Cheyenne warriors.

What is Little Bighorn?


In the first decades of the twentieth century, African Americans left, in greater and greater numbers, the southern states where they had been subject to economic abuses and outright intimidation. This event, in which about half a million African Americans moved to the urban North from the rural South, began about 1905 and ended around 1930.

What is the Great Migration?


The People’s Liberation Army, led by Communist leader Mao Zedong, ousted Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist government in China in 1949. Mao Zedong declared the establishment of the People’s Republic of China, and Nationalist forces and sympathizers were forced to retreat to Taiwan.

What is the Communist Revolution?


This institution, founded in 1879, was designed to replace American Indian culture with white American. Between 1879 and 1918, 10,000 students from all over the nation passed through the Pennsylvania school.

What is the Carlisle Indian School?

By a vote of 7 to 2, the Court ruled that this person had no right to sue in federal court because African Americans, enslaved or free, were not citizens; that the Missouri Compromise was unconstitutional; and that Congress had no right to exclude slavery from the territories.

Who is Dred Scott?


Instead of hiring outside contractors, UP vice president Thomas Durant and the other largest stockholders organized their own construction company——and awarded the contract to themselves. This company's executives reaped major profits from the construction, which was financed largely by government subsidies. The company overcharged for the cost of construction and nearly bankrupted Union Pacific.

What is Credit Mobilier?


President Wilson delivered his this speech, outlining a plan for peace after World War I. The program called for the reduction of arms, self-determination of nations, and a league of nations.

What is the "fourteen points" speech?


Congress passed this Act in 1956, allocating $32 billion to build 41,000 miles of interstate highways. Highways were important not only because of Americans’ growing dependence on automobiles but also as a national defense measure, creating a nationwide transportation network for the US military.

What is the Federal Highway Act?

As the Great Depression continued, unemployment skyrocketed. This group of World War I veterans, who in 1924 had been promised capital return for their military service to be paid in 1945, marched on Washington, DC, to demand immediate payment of their bonuses.

What is the Bonus Army?


Lincoln signed this into law. The act granted public land in 160 acres allotments in the West to those willing to farm the land for five years.

What is the Homestead Act?


US troops slaughtered approximately 200 Sioux, many of them women and children, at this location in South Dakota where they had gathered as part of the Ghost Dance movement.

What is Wounded Knee?


Fears of Bolshevism manifested in the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918, which led to deportations of immigrants, vigilante violence against suspected radicals, and the ousting of Socialists from government.

What is the Red Scare?


In an invasion planned by the United States Central Intelligence Agency and approved by the Kennedy administration, US-backed Cuban anti-Castro forces landed here but were overcome by Castro’s troops. More than 1100 men were captured in an embarrassing defeat. The prisoners were eventually ransomed back to the US in exchange for food and medicine.

What is the Bay of Pigs?


Congress passed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act, or this bill, providing educational and financial benefits to veterans. The bill offered veterans unemployment compensation, financial aid for college, and low-interest home loans.

What is the GI bill?


Congress established this to assist newly freed slaves in transitioning to their new status. It was the target of much anti-Union sentiment and violence. After Lincoln’s death, President Johnson sided with Northern Democrats against many of these programs.

What is the Freedman's Bureau? 


This Act, also known as the General Allotment Act, allowed Indian reservation land to be broken up into small allotments for sale to individuals. The purpose of the act was to encourage American Indians to become farmers, but the plots were too small to support families or to raise livestock.

What is the Dawes Act?


After years, this ammendment to the Constitution, forbidding the manufacture, sale, transportation, import, and export of “intoxicating liquors,” was ratified. The amendment was the culmination of decades of effort by organizations such as the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and the Anti-Saloon League. Prohibition had profound consequences: it made brewing and distilling illegal, expanded state and federal government, inspired new forms of sociability between men and women, and suppressed elements of immigrant and working-class culture.

What is the Eighteenth Ammendment?


This Amendment to the US Constitution, ratified in 1964, prohibited poll taxes for federal elections, which had often been imposed by state and local governments to prevent African Americans from voting. In Mississippi, civil rights advocates organized a Freedom Summer, registering African American voters and teaching literacy and black history.

What is the twenty fourth?


This party (or People’s Party of America) held its first convention in Omaha, Nebraska, and ratified the Omaha Platform documenting the tenets of the party. Among the tenets of the platform were a graduated income tax, a “flexible” currency based on silver as well as gold, the nationalization of the railroads and the telegraph, an eight-hour day and a ban on aliens owning land.

What is the populist party?