Main Ideas
Figurative Language
Summarizing Texts
Text Structure
General Academic Vocabulary

What Does the author saying about oranges in the first paragraph?

A. The author is explaining how oranges have been dispersed around the world. 

B. The author is explaining how oranges are traded around the world. 

C. The author is explaining how the ancient Romans and Greeks knew about oranges. 

D. None of the above. 

What is A. The author provides specific details on how oranges have been dispersed all over the world. There is no direct evidence about what the ancient Romans and Greeks knew about oranges. There is also no information to support how oranges were traded. 


What is the meaning of the simile?

The boys ran off like rockets shooting up tp the stars. 

A. the boys ran towards the stars. 

B. The boys ran away quickly

C. The boys were shooting guns

D. The boys drove rockets. 

What is answer choice B. 

The boys running is being compared to rockets and rockets are fast. Therefore the boys ran quickly. 


What conclusion can you draw about Corky from this sentence?

Corky waddled toward the lake. When he reached the water, he flapped his wings, quaked, and jumped in

What is Corky's a duck


What genre would Charlie and the Chocolate factory be classified as?

What is Fantasy


What is point of view?

What is the perspective from which the author tells the story. 


From your understanding of the passage, oranges are grown in ___________

A. Spain

B. The West Indies

C. Most of the colder places of the world

D. Most of the warmer places in the world. 

What is answer choice D. 

According to the second sentence in the first paragraph, oranges are grown in most warmer parts of the world. 


What is the meaning of the metaphor below?

Dad's business is a well oiled machine. 

A. Dad's business runs smoothly. 

B. Dad's business uses a lot of machines

C. Dad's business sells oil.

D. Dad's business is putting oil on machines. 

What is answer choice A. 

Dad's business runs smoothly. Machines working properly do what they should and don't have difficulties.  


Based on the sentences below draw a conclusion about how Jan feels about the creature. 

Jan took one look at the hideous creature and ran away as fast as she could. 

Jan thinks the creature is scary. 


What is a problem solution text structure?

What is answer choice D. 

problem solution text structure is a writing that presents solutions to different dilemas. 


What is an idiom?

What is figurative language where a word or phrase means something different. 


Which detail in the above passage supports the fact that the orange is a clean fruit?

A. Anyone touching it only touches the outer covering, which is easily taken off. 

B. The thick oily, bitter skin doesn't allow insects to get into the orange. 

C. Both A and B

D. None of the above

What is answer choice C. 

According to the passage the fact that a person touches the orange , but they are not touching the part that is actually eaten. Additionally, the outer skin protects the orange from insects, making it a clean fruit. 


What is the meaning of the idiom?

My teacher was as mad as an old wet hen when the three kids didn't do their homework. 

A. The teacher lived on a farm. 

B. The teacher was crazy. 

C. The teacher was very angry. 

D. The teacher didn't assign any homework. 

What is answer choice C. 

Hens don't like to get wet, therefore they would be upset if they were. The teacher acting like that would imply the teacher is angry about the kids not following directions and doing their homework. 


What does read between the lines mean?

Authors help readers make inferences by giving certain details. However authors expect readers to read between the lines. 

A. figure out what the text means

B. Look for evidence in the text to make inferences

C. Come up with ideas or opinions of your own based on what you read. 

D. All of the above

What is answer choice D All of the above. 


What type of text structure would best address this information? We have been studying the aftermath of volcanoes. Now I have to prepare an essay that includes this information. 

What is cause and effect text structure. 


What is personification?

What is figurative language that a human characteristic is given to an animal or object. 


Where in the passage can you find out about who grows the sour oranges and where they are grown?

A. the 2nd paragraph

B. The 3rd Paragraph

C. Both a nd B

D. In the last paragraph

What is answer choice A. 

in the 3rd and 4th sentences in the second paragraph, there are details about sour oranges and where they are grown. 


What is the meaning of the metaphor?

Nick is a pig when he eats. 

A. Nick eats on the ground. 

B. Nick eats a lot and is very messy. 

C. Nick is very fat. 

D. Nick makes pig noises when he eats. 

What is answer choice B. 

pigs are animals, they eat a lot and are messy. Nick's eating habits being compared to a pig imply he's messy and likes to eat a lot. 


Identify the preposition in the sentence. 

We met at the loud concert. 

What is at. 


What type of text structure would best address this information?

I want to study the order of events leading up to the American Revolution. I think I should start my research at the school library. 

What is chronological order. 


What is a reference source?

A set of information that an author can base an article or story on. 


The second paragraph tells us __________________?

A. about types of oranges.

B. about where the oranges are grown.

C. about the usefulness of oranges. 

D. All of the above.


What is answer choice D. 

According to the 1st sentence of the 2nd paragraph, the passage is about the types of oranges, their usefulness and where they are grown. 


What is the meaning of the simile?

The little girl was as good as gold at the church service. 

A. She was golden colored. 

B. She wore lots of jewelry. 

C. She behaved very well. 

D. She wore a gold dress. 

What is answer choice C. 

As good as gold means behaved very well. Gold is a good metal because it's valuable. a little girl acting as good as gold means she behaved very well. A church service is a place where children have to be quiet. 


Select the correct antecedent to complete the sentence. 

Someone has dropped _________ wallet. 

What is their. 


What is compare and contrast text structure?

Looks at how 2 or more things are alike and also how they are different. 


What is onomatopoeia?

What is figurative language where a word is used to describe a sound made by an object.