he like playing
he likes playing
doux comme la soie
soft as silk
I like games amusing, entertaining.
I like amusing, entertaining games
D'un côté
D'un autre côté
On the one hand
On the other hand
She has dreaming
She has been dreaming
Appeler un chat un chat
To call a spade a spade
However, nevertheless, yet
You like Beyoncé?
Do you like Beyoncé?
Il est grand temps
It is high time
De plus
Moreover, what is more
When I'll arrive, we'll be together
When I arrive, we'll be together
faire marcher qq'un
To pull someone's leg
Pour conclure
To conclude
Plus nous arriverons tôt et plus vite nous nous mettrons à travailler
The sooner we arrive, the faster we will get to work
Ignorer un problème délibérément
Sweep something under the carpet
En effet