Ngozi Adichie
Plot Structure
Raisin in the Sun
Don't Ask Me Where I'm From

This theory tries to explain how dominant discourses perpetuate their power and privileges over marginalized and minoritized populations

What is Gramsci's Cultural Hegemony theory.


This term describes what Adichie believes to influence who gets the right to tell stories about other people, and what kind of stories they tell

 What is Power  or What is Power and Privilege 


This term describes the ending of a story

What is "resolution"

This character is the main protagonist, a young African American man aged 35 years old who has a wife, a young child, lives with his mother and sister, and works as a chaffeur to a wealthy White man

Who is Walter Younger


This character, who is the protagonist of the story, is a Latina high school student whose parents remove her from her neighborhood, working class Latino school to an upper middle class, predominantly White suburban school.

Who is Lilian Cruz


This concept states that the dominant discourse is ordained by God to treat non-dominant groups inhumanely

What is Manifest Destiny


This term describes what Adichie believes to be potentially harmful when telling stories about others 

What is danger of a single story, or What is that a single story is told about others


This word describes the beginning of a story, where the characters, story, and setting are introduced

What is "exposition."


This character is the main antagonist in the story--a slippery con-man who is highly skilled and persuading desperate people to give him their money, then runs away with it

Who is Willie Harris

This character becomes an unexpected White friend and ally to Lilian at Westburg High School, and is also her host sister.

Who is Holly


This test demonstrates that dominant discourses create a world in which those who are not  privileged by it come to believe themselves to be inferior from an early age

What is the Black Doll/White Doll Test


This definition is how Adichie describes a stereotype

What is "an incomplete story"

This term describes the highest point in the story, where everything the protagonists had been hoping or trying to avoid happens

What is "the climax"


This character represents a more affluent group of African Americans, so as to avoid a single story, who dates Beneatha and is a college student

Who is George Murchison


This character becomes Lilian's boyfriend but is unfortunately hanging out with a terrible, racist friend named Steve.



This concept describes the manner in which the dominant discourse may influence people to unintentionally treat others with prejudice without being aware of it

What is unconscious bias


This phrase, which Adiche quotes from a Palestinian writer,  is one that she believes is dangerous when used to describe a people's experience 

What is "and secondly"


This word describes what occurs after the high point of the story, when loose ends must be tied, and any unfinished business addressed

What is "falling action"


This character, the only White character in the story, represents segregationists who are trying to keep the Younger family out of a predominantly White neighborhood 

Who is Mr. Mark Lindner


Racial biases against this student, a star basketball player, lead to a hate crime being committed against him.

Who is Rayshawn


This term describes how the White dominant discourse allows those who are privileged by it to receive special treatment just because of who they are

What is unearned privilege 


This phrase is one Adichie uses in her TED Talk to describe the limitations of only having one version of other people's story told, which leads to stereotyping because it does not present those people as being diverse

What is "the danger of a single story"

This word describes the twists and turns that happen as the characters are trying to deal with the problem in the story 

What is "complications"


This character, who is present in the play but not the film adaptation, represents African American people who accept the dominant discourse's characterization of African American people as inferior and less deserving than White citizens

Who is Mrs. Johnson.


This teacher of color tries to help the students in the METCO program to do well at the school, while a student of color tries to be a role model, teaching her how to acculturate to the school

Who are Mr. Rivera and Genesis