The meaning of Sophia
What is wisdom/knowledge?
What is a rare knowledge, opposed to opinion/ belief, that ultimately implies the truth?
Definition of Eudeimonia
What is happiness/contentment/well-being?
What is Political Philosophy?
theories of state and government
Is Hedonism teleological or deontological?
What is Empeiria?
What is love?
What is Kosmos?
Order, form, fashion, rule, regulation, or regulator. The world or universe according to its perfect order or arrangement.
Theories of knowledge
What is divine command? is it teleological or deontological?
A meta-ethical theory that proposes that an action's status as morally good is equivalent to whether it is commanded by God. It is a deontological approach
What is Tekhne?
what is passion toward?
What is Eros?
Love, usually now in terms of passion as in our erotic love vs. Platonic love.
What is Axiology?
Theories of value
What is deontology? Who is it often associated with?
an ethical theory that uses rules to distinguish right from wrong. Deontology is often associated with philosopher Immanuel Kant.
What is Phronesis
Define Ousia
Aristotle's basic words for substance or fundamental being.
What is Metaphysics?
theories of reality
What is teleology?
A philosophy of teleology sees purpose in ends rather than stated causes, making the outcome the actual, or "final" cause. When you see things in terms of teleology, you explain actions by their results.
What is Episteme?
Definition of a Sophist
What is a person who reasons with clever but fallacious and deceptive arguments?
Define ἀρετή
What is all things in moderation?
theories of argument and reason
Name the three types of Teleological approaches.
Hedonism, Egoism, Utilitarianism
?What is Nous
intelligence, intellect