In this level, representative models and mock-ups of reality are being used in order to provide and experience that are closed to reality.
Contrived Experiences
To recall facts and basic concepts.
He was an intertionally renowed pioneer in the utilization of audio-visual materials in instruction.
Edgar Dale
Involves the ability to connect with others or access information using technology.
Digital Access
What is the maning of the CAI acronym?
Computer Assisted Instruction
In this level, learners can participate in a reconstructed experience thay could give them better understanding of the events or a concept.
Dramatized Experiences
To explain ideas or concepts.
An Act prescribing the Intellectual Property Code and Establishing the Intellectual Property Office, providing for its Powers and Functions, and for othe purposes.
Republic Act No. 8293
Refers to selling and buying things online and the necessity to tackle safety issues while using money in the digital world.
Digital commerce
Opportunity for the learner to practice material in an unlimited number of times.
In this level, things are shown based on how they are done.
To use information in new situations.
It is the lawful right of an author, artist, composer or other creator to control the use of his or her work by others.
Refers to the privileges that all students have while using the internet, like freedom of speech.
Digital Rights and Responsibilities
Combines presentation of material with drill-and-practice, games, or a simulation to emphasize material and assist in learning.
This level extends the learning experience through excursions and visits on the different places that are not available inside the classroom.
Field Trip
To justify a stand or decision.
It is when someone passed off the work of someone else as one's own or without acknowledgement of the original source.
It is the ability to learn how to use technology and access information online.
Digital Literacy
Provides a real-life scenario with the material to be learned being applied as it would in the real world.
A combination of several mock ups and models.
To produce new or original work.
Any copyright of copyrighted material done for a limited and "transformative" purpose, such as to comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work.
Fair use
It encompasses the rules or guidelines set within an organization for usinv the Internet.
Digital Law
Provides the learner with an opportunity to draw his own conclussions.