What does anxiety mean?
Tell me 1 healthy coping skill not listed above.
Talking about it, dancing, drinking water, eating ice, going outside, running, listening to music, painting, reading, exercise, calm down space, fidgets, hugging a stuffed animal, pushing against a wall, hitting a mat, counting, tearing up paper.
What number volume should you talk in, inside the school?
0-2. If in class, most the time you can talk at a 1-2 voice. If the teacher is talking you shouldn't be talking you should be listening.
If a student "tattles" on you, which should you do?
Accept it, try to change your behavior, calmly explain the situation to the teacher.
Give me an example of i-message/statement
I feel ______ when you _________.
what does depression mean?
feeling overwhelmed with sadness
Name 1 coping skill you have never used, but would like to try
What color does Ms. Dunsmore color her hair in the summer?
The classroom is too loud and it's making you upset.
Ask for noise canceling headphones, ask to take a break, ask students near you to quiet down in a calm polite manner
When should you bring in an adult?
If you ask someone to stop 3x and they don't respond or if you are in physical danger.
What does rage mean?
When you're feeling uncontrollable anger
When you are feeling down on yourself, what are strategies that you can use to build yourself confidence?
Talking nicely to yourself (using positive affirmations), practicing your skills, working hard, doing your best.
True or false: When you tell a story of something that happened you should only tell the truth of what happened and not add things that didn't happen?
True- adding stuff that didn't happen is called lying.
You're in class and someone in the room farts.
Ignore it. Don't laugh or say something because that would embarass them.
Give examples of things you can do to solve a conflict
Talk it out, Rock paper scissor, Apologize, do a restorative circle, etc.
What does guilt mean?
When you regret or feel bad for something you did.
What bugs you that makes you sad or anxious? (Triggers)
Thunderstorms, being bullied, loud noises, people being too close, not understanding work, change in routine, etc
Name one superhero that can fly.
Doctor Strage, Iron Man, Thor, Superman, Supergirl, Green Lanter, Storm, Rogue,
When is it an approrpriate time to put your hands on someone else?
When they give permission
Give me an example of Stop and Think
When something happens instead of reacting, you stop and problem solve in your mind.
Feeling afraid of losing someone'sattention to another person or when you want something really bad that someone else has.
Tell me an unhealthy coping skill (bad coping skill)
yelling at someone, hitting people, biting your nails, pulling your hair, calling people names, using negative self talk, etc.
Who is one of the new emotions in the new Inside Out 2 movie?
Anxiety, Envy, Embarassment, Ennui
One of your teachers colored their hair a different color than normal and you think it looks bad. What should you do?
Don't say what you think, you can say "I noticed you changed your hair." But don't tell them you don't like it, that is rude.
Tell me how a restorative circle works.
You sit down with the person or people you have an issue with, and each person tells their side without yelling at each other or arguing.