Safety Dance
Making a Connection
Time Table
Short and SaaSy
High Expectations

What types of calls require a safety plan?

All Completed and Unable to Assess Calls


What is the acuity for a LOCUS score of 17-22? 



When should all paperwork be uploaded into SaaS?

By the end of shift.


When should a follow-up be created in SaaS?

All OP community calls and all OP hospital calls.


If a BCBA is needed, but not assigned, what should happen? 

Team should request a BCBA as soon as it's determine one is needed.


When an IND refuses to sign the Safety Plan or is not able to sign, what do you do?

Write that information on the Safety Plan and still upload to SaaS.


What disposition or treatment option is usually most appropriate for an Emergent acuity? 

In-patient treatment


When dispatched for a call, how long should it take you to accept the call and leave your location? 

Accept the dispatch immediately and be in route within 5 minutes.


What calls require a disposition and legal status to be entered into SaaS?

All Completed & UTA calls. 


If unavailable for part of your shift, how should this be handled? 

Lead/SOC must be notified at beginning of shift, not at time of dispatch.


Is a Safety Plan required when an IND is being referred for in-patient treatment?



What instrument serves as a guide for an assessment and provides direction in determining the acuity?



You're dispatched to a call, then finished your assessment, when should SaaS show you're available for another call?

Before leaving the scene of the first assessment.


Where should documentation of call staffed with SOC be located and what should be listed?

Document in MC summary notes; and provide description of situation, SOC/Lead's name.


Two methods of call outs that are never acceptable.

Text or email - You must actually speak with a supervisor.


What is the best way to get an IND to utilize their Safety Plan? 

Make sure the IND is involved in creating the Safety Plan, their words, their coping skills, etc..


What is the acuity and a possible disposition for a LOCUS score of 16?  

Routine acuity and OP: Routine Appointment or any other disposition for community based treatment intended to maintain or facilitate recovery.



Receive dispatch; call IND from home to determine if IND's willing to be assessed; leave home 20 minutes later. What's wrong here?

Leave within 5 minutes; call while in route; see IND in-person to to determine if UTA. May be able to do Risk assessment. 


Should a safety plan be uploaded with consent forms? 

No, safety plans have their own location for uploading.


You're 5 minutes from location, team member 30 min.; when do you leave home, what will you do, why?

Leave within 5 minutes; prepare paperwork/talk with IND/Family/Law Enf related to call; first on scene stops clock.


Should a call be cancelled if IND is asleep? 

Depends on situation. IND with SI, plan & means & no sleep in days, should be assessed even if asleep.


What are the main goals of the Mobile Crisis Model?

Provide immediate crisis intervention services to INDs experiencing crises in community and Reduce need for law enforcement, ER visits, and in-patient treatment.


When should Lead/SOC be contacted to staff calls? 

Prior to cancelling all calls or determining UTA. SOC may have suggestions prior to cancellation.


When creating a follow-up in SaaS, what information must be entered in the summary box? 

Names of team member & titles; where referred & why; best time to call


When should Relias trainings be complete? Why?

Before due date; Part of contractual agreement with DBHDD and yearly performance review.