Rivers of Canada
Guess the Animal!
70s Music
C Food! (answer begins with a C)

Which river, flowing through the Northwest Territories into the Arctic Ocean, is Canada's longest, measuring 4,241 km (2,629 miles) long? It is named for an Arctic explorer.

The Mackenzie River 

Canada's Mackenzie River is the second-longest river in North America after the Mississippi. Alexander Mackenzie explored the river named after him in 1789. Four years later, starting from Lake Athabasca, he followed the course of the Peace, Parsnip and Bella Coola Rivers, travelling west and south to reach the Pacific Ocean, becoming the first explorer to reach Canada's Pacific coast by an overland route.


Which classical composer’s “Cello Suite No. 1” inspired the design of the  Toronto Music Garden along Queens Quay?

Johann Sebastian Bach


 Gavia immer is a particularly vocal bird that is famous in Canada thanks to its appearance on the one-dollar coin. By what name is it better known?

 Common loon

The common loon first appeared on the Canadian one-dollar coin in 1987 and has since become a ubiquitous part of Canadian life, while the coin itself has become known as a "loonie".


Husband and wife, Terry and Susan Jacks, had their biggest hit with "Which Way You Goin' Billy?" What was the name of their band?

The Poppy Family

The Poppy Family were based out of Vancouver, B.C. Although their first big hit "Which Way You Goin' Billy" was recorded, released and reached number one in 1969, The Poppy Family had most of their hits into the early 1970s. These included "Where Evil Grows" and "That's Where I Went Wrong". Terry and Susan divorced in 1973. Terry went on to have a hit with "Seasons in the Sun" and Susan was successful with "I Thought of You Again".


Probably one of the favorite C foods of many, this food has been used in cooking for centuries. The Aztecs even used this to make a drink, adding a bit of cayenne to it. The drink was bitter, but now bars of this are sweet. What could this be?


Chocolate is derived from the cacao plant. The cacao pod carried dozens of seeds, which are yet smaller pods. In these smaller pods is what is eaten. A long and tedious process is involved to make the chocolate we know today. The cacao seeds dry out in the sun, go through long processes, and cocoa powder is made. Cocoa butter, made from a completely different process, is added to cocoa powder to make chocolate. Cocoa butter is really what gives chocolate its sweet flavor.


Which river, Canada's third-longest, was discovered by French explorer Jacques Cartier in 1534, and borders two Canadian provinces and one American state?

Jacques Cartier discovered the St. Lawrence River when he arrived at Stadacona now Quebec City in 1534. On his second voyage, he sailed farther down the river to Hochelaga (near what is now Montreal), but went no farther. He was convinced he had found a water route to China.


Edwards Gardens is named after Rupert Edwards, who sold his estate to Metro  Toronto in the 1950s. As the operator of Canada Varnish Ltd. in Leaside, what  did he install at the plant that led to community noise complaints?

A carillon that rang every 15 minutes during the day


What large omnivore eats berries and insects, runs fast, swims well, climbs trees, and can be many colours like blond, cinnamon, brown or black?

Black bear

Though called a black bear, they commonly occur in many colours.


Which band from Calgary, Alberta had such hits as "Sweet City Woman", "Carry Me", "Oh My Lady" and "Then Came The White Man"?

 The Stampeders

The Stampeders, made up of Ron King, Rich Dodson and Kim Berly, were one of Canada's top rock groups in the 1970s. Four of their songs reached the Top 30 in the United States and twelve songs hit the Top 10 in Canada. "Sweet City Woman" is now considered a classic in pop music. "Carry Me", "Sweet City Woman" and "Oh My Lady" have been inducted into the SOCAN Hall of Fame.


What tea claims to calm someone down enough to go to sleep?


Chamomile tea has chemicals in it that puts people to sleep. It probably doesn't work so well when it is chock full of honey and sugar, though. A famous American brand of tea is Celestial Seasonings, with dozens of different tea flavors. Chamomile is one of their most popular.


Canada's third-longest river, the Nelson River, flows northeast into Hudson Bay, entirely within which easternmost Prairie Province of Canada?


Running a turbulent 2,600 km (1,612 miles) through the hard granite of the Canadian Shield from Lake Winnipeg to Hudson Bay, the Nelson River is a vital source of hydro-electric power for Manitoba. Discovered in 1612, it also gave hope to Arctic explorers that it might provide a water route to China.


Rosetta McClain Gardens in Scarborough is the westernmost city park along which  natural feature?

Scarborough Bluffs


The Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep is the official mammal of Colorado in the United States and which westernmost of Canada's Prairie Provinces?


The Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) is the largest wild sheep in North America. It was adopted as the provincial mammal of Alberta in 1889 and designated Colorado's state mammal in 1961.


This band from Vancouver, British Columbia had hits such as "My Girl (Gone Gone Gone)" Whatcha Gonna Do" and "Fly at Night". Who are they?


Chilliwack actually started out in the 1960s under the names of The Classics and then The Collectors. In 1970, they changed their name to Chilliwack, which is also the name of a town in British Columbia, meaning "going back up" in the Salish language.


 In France, the portobello mushroom is known as what?

Champignon de Paris

The portobello, or champignon de Paris, is known as having a very large top. Common mushrooms, known as button mushrooms, have very tight caps that are also very small. The cap on the portobello is gigantic. It is big enough that the portobello replaces hamburger patties to make portobello burgers, and it can replace bread to make a mushroom sandwich.


Which is one of the ten longest Canadian rivers, was named after a founder of the Hudson's Bay Company who was also the ancestor of a British prime minister in WWII?

Churchill River

The Churchill River, 1609 km long, is just short of 1000 miles in length. It rises in northern Saskatchewan and flows into Hudson Bay at Churchill, Manitoba, a world-famous location for viewing polar bears. It served as a main transportation route for the Hudson's Bay Company fur trade for over 200 years.


Besides Allan Gardens and the temporarily closed Cloud Gardens downtown, which  major park has a large public conservatory filled with tropical plants?

Centennial Park


Known as the trickster in mythology, which predator's range has actually expanded as human influence has grown in the Canadian Prairie Provinces?


The coyote is one of the most adaptable predators  whose range has actually expanded with the settlement of the continent rather than diminishing.


 Which band, formed in Regina, Saskatchewan, had their biggest hit with a cover of the Rolling Stones song, "Under My Thumb"?


Kenny Shields of Nokomis, Saskatchewan, Daryl Gutheil and Ken Sinnaeve formed the band Wascana in 1975 and then renamed it Witness. In 1977, Paul Dean and Matt Frenette joined and the band's name was again changed; this time to Streetheart. Their biggest hit was "Under My Thumb", but they had a few more successful singles such as "Here Comes the Night" and "Action".


Which of these is a chicken dish that means "hunter" in Italian?

 Chicken Cacciatore is an Italian dish, a chicken cooked with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, herbs, and bell pepper.


Which of these waterfalls is NOT along the course of the Niagara River at Niagara Falls, New York and Niagara Falls, Ontario?  

Which of these waterfalls is NOT along the course of the Niagara River at Niagara Falls, New York and Niagara Falls, Ontario?  


The City of Toronto operates a dozen official outdoor allotment gardens. Which  has the most plots, offering 250 spaces?

Leslie Street


What mischievous animal is well-adapted to life in urban areas, is active at night, and has dexterous fingers which enable it to open containers and latches?


Raccoons live naturally in hollow trees and logs, caves, or burrows of other animals, but may reside in barns, culverts, and old buildings. With 5 toes on both front and back feet, its footprints resemble tiny human prints. They are adept at opening small doors, and even undoing knots and unscrewing jars. They are good climbers and can swim when necessary.


Which of these singers is also a great songwriter and has had number one songs such as "Big Yellow Taxi", "Carey" and "Help Me"?

Joni Mitchell

Joni Mitchell was born in 1943, in Fort MacLeod, Alberta as Roberta Joan Anderson. She and her family moved to Saskatoon, Saskatchewan when she was 11 years old and she considers it her home town. It's hard to write anything brief about this lady, because she has done so much for the music industry.


 What is most commonly a dried and ground flower bud?
