Effective Communication
Medications 2
Final Jeopardy

This is the priority when a patient reports depression

What is screening for suicide, self-harm, or other immediate safety concerns?


True or false: Stating "I will help you get dressed" is appropriate therapeutic communication for a patient who is depressed and refusing to get out of bed.


Severely depressed persons have problems with self-care and are easily overwhelmed. A nursing approach that focuses on meeting the client's physiologic and basic needs directly is best. The presence of the nurse conveys that the client is worthy of the nurse's attention and will help the client adjust to the hospitalization.


When taking clozapine (clozaril) it is extremely important to check this lab value

What is a WBC?

Bonus: why?

Double bonus: what are other side effects of clozapine?


Adverse effects of Haldol include these symptoms

What are extrapyramidal symptoms and dystonia?

Bonus: can Haldol cause excessive salivation?


True or false:

Blurred vision is considered an Extrapyramidal side effect.


Muscle spasms of neck, tremors of hands, akathisia are examples of EPS.


Irritability, sleep disturbances, low self-esteem, chronic pain, and feelings of worthlessness are expected findings of this symptom

What is depression?


A patient states "I'm never doing homework again, I already got a B so I might as well fail" is an example of this defense mechanism.

What is regression?


This is a priority when assessing a patient with acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome

What is a neurological exam?


A patient who is experiencing lithium toxicity will display these symptoms

What are course hand tremor, confusion, drowsiness, GI manifestations, and a blood lithium level of greater than 1.3 mEq/L?


True or false: fine hand tremors are an example of tardive dyskinesia

False: fine hand tremors are an example of Parkinsonism. Tardive dyskinesia can include tongue thrusting, facial grimacing, eye blinking, and involuntary movements of the hips.


These are the three types of crisis.

What are situational, maturational, and adventitious?

This therapeutic technique involves restating the client's feelings. An example would be "It must be very frustrating to deal with those symptoms."

What is reflection?


Nurses should be aware that patients can develop extrapyramidal symptoms when taking what class of drug?

What are antipsychotics?

When a patient presents with severe signs of serotonin syndrome this will be a main priority

What is protecting the airway and potential intubation?


A family's religious practices will come up when assessing this context

What is sociocultural?


During patient intake at an inpatient psychiatric hospital, your patient reports depression, anxiety, and a history of bipolar disorder. Besides assessing for suicidal ideations and homicidal ideations this is the other highest priority

What is determining if the patient is experiencing psychotic thinking?


This technique helps the nurse zero in on a topic to identify the issues and concerns of the patient early. An example "Can you tell me more about this specific concern?"

What is focusing?


Chlorpromazine, an antipsychotic, may cause this symptom which can include involuntary movements of the face, shoulder, or hips

What is Tardive dyskinesia?


Methylphenidate is a drug for this mental health condition

What is ADHD?

Bonus: what are considerations when taking this medication

Explain the three levels of prevention and give an example of each

1. Primary - prevention through vaccinations

2. Secondary - Screening through early detection

3. Tertiary - treatment of the disease

Bonus: what level of prevention is a crisis center?


These are a few consideration when applying restraints.

Assess toileting, hyradration needs every 15 - 30 min, ensure provider assessment within 60 minutes, and use a quick-release knot.


True or false: "You appear to be afraid to share this diagnosis with your family" is an open-ended therapeutic statement. 

True: This is an open-ended therapeutic statement that focuses on the patient's concern and allows for further exploration of the client's fear.


A patient may be experiencing this when they present with high temperature, altered blood pressure, abdominal pain, altered level of consciousness, and is taking Sertraline

What is serotonin syndrome?


This is the therapeutic range of lithium.

What is 0.8 to 1.3 mEq/L?


These are three components of the Mental Status Examination (MSE)

What are level of consciousness, physical appearance, and cognitive and intellectual abilities?

(ATI chapter 1)


Name and describe each of the four phases of Peplau's theory of interpersonal relationships

The orientation phase of the interpersonal relationship occurs when a client makes initial contact with a nurse or provider. This contact begins the establishment of the relationship and is followed by the phases of identification, exploitation, and resolution. 

The identification phase is the second phase of the relationship and begins once the nurse develops a relationship with a colleague or client. 

The exploitation phase is the third in which the active work is done. The nurse acts to provide education and interventions to the client to work toward meeting the identified goals. 

The resolution, or termination, phase is the fourth phase of the relationship. This phase occurs when goals have been met and the relationship is resolved.