Step it Up
Coping Skills
Relapse Prevention

Someone with a thorough knowledge of the twelve steps who helps guide a newcomer through the processes.

A Sponsor *Do you have your sponsor? Share about your experience


A movie about a hard-drinking New York journalist who takes her reputation as the life and soul of the party too far when she knocks over her sister's wedding cake and crashes the bridal limousine. When a court orders her into rehab for a month, she initially refuses, but eventually she begins to take her substance abuse seriously.

28 Days


The practice of taking an active role in doing something for yourself that improve can your well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress. Examples are taking a shower or bath, doing something to make yourself feel pretty or handsome, or just take some time for you.

Self-Care *Each group member share one thing you can do for self-care.


Refusing to admit the truth about addiction and its consequences to ourselves.



What does DBT stand for

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy


What do you do for the ninth step

Make direct amends 


This metallic man has been in recovery since 2003. He was introduced to drugs by his famous father and spent time in jail. He saw a resurgence in his popularity since entering recovery and staring in a series of hit movies.

Robert Downey Jr.


A state of mind where you are thankful and taking notice of the good things in your life, rather than focusing on the bad?

Gratitude *What is one thing you are grateful for today?


What word describes feelings, people, or situations that cause the brain to want to use substances. If you're not aware of them, they can cause you to relapse?

Triggers! Each group member name one of their triggers to receive points.


A practice done by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique. 



Who is seen as the most important person in the rooms at meetings?

The newcomer


After a needed vocal surgery after a complication of her addiction and not wanting to join the 27 club this singer got sober. She had a relapse during the pandemic but has since hoped back on the wagon. Addiction is no longer a wrecking ball on her life.

Miley Cyrus


A technique involves running "a mental videotape” of the entire relapse process. It involves going through the process from start to finish and noting all the changes that would occur if you gave into the temptation.

Playing the tape through * Have you tried this? Is it helpful?


What is a skill that ways to good and bad of using? This can help prevent a relapse as well as combat cravings.

Pro and Cons list


What does Dialectical mean/What is a Dialectical?

Dialectical = two opposite ideas can be true at the same time


Where was AA started?

Akron, Ohio


After a violent episode sparked by losing his house, his job, and his wife in quick succession, a man is released from a state institution and moves back in with his mother and father. He resolves to rebuild his life, remain positive and reunite with his wife. When he meets a mysterious girl with problems of her own, things get complicated. Is what movie?

Silver Linings Playbook


A breathing technique that is done by exhaling for a count of 4, holding your breath for a count of 4, inhaling for a count of 4, holding your breath for a count of 4 and repeating.

Box Breathing


This state of mind can be fatal for recovery! It's characterized by being too comfortable or not feeling motivated to continue doing the work.

Complacency, name one thing to do to combat complacency.


DBT is not about being right or wrong, good or bad but being...



What is the animal symbol of AA

A Camel, the camel each day goes twice to his knees. He picks up his load with the greatest of ease.
He walks through the day with his head held high.
And stays for that day, completely dry. 


This famous actor is known for his character named after a weapon. He served jail time and became a boxing champion in San Quentin, after which he completed a 12-step program and has been sober for over 4 decades. He was first discovered as an actor while attending an AA meeting! Now he is a successful restaurateur and appeared as the Racoon in the Masked Singer show.

Danny Trejo


What neurotransmitter is released from exercise?


Endorphins are natural pain relievers and mood enhancers that your body produces in response to certain activity's. This is where the tern "runners high" comes from.


What are the three stages of relapse?

Emotional relapse is the first phase of the three phases of relapse. During this stage, the person is not actively thinking about using drugs or alcohol. However, their emotions and behaviors may be setting them up for a relapse down the road.

When we choose to not work on any signs or symptoms of the emotional stage, there is increased risk of transitioning to the second stage of relapse, which is mental relapse. Once in mental relapse, which is best described as a war going on inside one’s mind, the individual is at high risk for physical relapse. Part of them wants to use, while the other part doesn’t. Fantasizing about using is not uncommon in this stage. As individuals go deeper into the mental relapse stage, their cognitive resistance to relapse diminishes and their need of escape increases. It is important to remember that occasional thoughts of using are normal in early recovery, but the thoughts that occur during mental relapse are different as they are thoughts of considering making an actual choice to use rather than a fleeting thought of using.  

When a person doesn’t take the time to acknowledge and address the symptoms from emotional and mental relapse, it doesn’t take long to lead down the path to physical relapse. This includes the act of drinking alcohol or using other drugs. The key is to reach out for help if you find yourself in physical relapse immediately in order to stop the vicious cycle of addiction before it is too late.

What is something you can do to get out of each stage?


What are the four core principals of DBT?

Mindfulness, Interpersonal Effectiveness, Emotional Regulation, Distress Tolerance