Outside Connections: Authors
Textual Connections: Love
Textual Connections: Death
Textual Connections: Revenge
Outside Connections: Potpourri

This book was written based on an actual sledding accident in Lenox, Massachusetts that happened in the author's life.

What is Ethan Frome?


Familial appreciation and non-romantic love are easy to find in this long novel.

What is A Prayer for Owen Meany?


The death of this person in Prince Hamlet's life is the reason for the entire story.

Who is Prince Hamlet's father, King Hamlet?


This character spends far more time contemplating revenge than actually exacting it.

Who is Prince Hamlet?


Alice Walker's spiritualism in real life directly influenced the conversations between Celie and this character.

Who is Shug Avery?


This author's unhappy marriage in real life influenced his/her writings about a secret love affair.

Who is Edith Wharton?


Societal obligations bury true love in the deep snow common to the setting of this book.

What is Ethan Frome?


In 1984, this character's storyline represents how the death of free thinking is worse than its physical counterpart.

Who is Winston Smith?


Revenge is easily justified in this novel, often considered the first sci-fi story in history.

What is Frankenstein?


George Orwell's two most famous works - Animal Farm and 1984 - share a few themes/motifs in common. Name one.

What is mankind's tendency to manipulation OR anti-totalitarianism OR the corrupting effect of power?


Poland was this author's native country.

Who is Joseph Conrad?


In The Great Gatsby, love appears fleeting at best. This character's feelings for the book's namesake create turmoil in the hotel scene.

Who is Daisy Buchanan?


Death is frequent, yet rarely examined thoroughly, in this novel because the characters see native people as inferiors.

What is Heart of Darkness?


Frankenstein's Monster is often motivated to revenge because of betrayal. The murders of these two characters are prime examples of this claim.

Who are Henry Clerval and Elizabeth Frankenstein?


This country was the birthplace of the most authors from the books we have read this year.

What is the United States of America (4/9 authors)?

1984 represented Orwell's staunchly anti-totalitarian views. These were mainly influenced by Orwell's participation in this country's civil war.

What is Spain?


In 1984, Big Brother demanded love instead of inspiring it. People of this rank of government membership most fervently supported their government overlords.

What is the Inner Party?


In The Color Purple, the death of Celie's stepfather Alphonso gives her this business.

What is a dry goods store?


Acting as a foil to Prince Hamlet, this character demonstrates the opposite of Hamlet's tendency toward inaction in plans for revenge.

Who is Laertes?


The majority of Edith Wharton's works, including Ethan Frome, match this literary era.

What is the Realism Era?


John Wheelwright's stepfather - Dan Needham - was based on John Irving's actual stepfather. Both stepfathers had this career.

What is teaching (at private schools, specifically)?


In this short story from Dubliners, the narrator is blinded by love and is almost tricked into purchasing a cunning woman a gift.

What is "Araby"?


Mrytle's untimely death in The Great Gatsby is representative of a larger motif surrounding rich people's ____, according to Nick.

What is carelessness?


Owen Meany's revenge is served in the form of a misplaced car belonging to this nasty principal.

Who is Randy White?


These two novels were released the closest to each other out of all the books we have read (one in 1911 and the other in 1914).

What are Ethan Frome (1911) and Dubliners (1914)?