Part I
Part II
How to

How many skills must you demonstrate  competency in to graduate?



In Oregon, how many required credits are in place to graduate?

24 total!


“Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body, it is the basis of dynamic and creative intellectual activity.” - John F. Kennedy

How many PHYSICAL EDUCATION (PE) and HEALTH credits do you need?

One of each!


What is a personalized learning plan?

A non-credit requirement that with a process of steps, prepares seniors for life after high school.


How can you independently look over credits you’ve already obtained and how many you still need?

You can access your unofficial transcript through your student portal


A skill used every day that gives us the ability to understand messages.

Reading: Read and comprehend a variety of text


Yours for the choosing, meant to help you discover new interests! How many ELECTIVE credits do you need?



“Do not underestimate the impact that English could have on your career—and your income!”

How many LANGUAGE ARTS credits do you need?



What is the purpose of a personalized learning plan?

To prepare and supply students with career/college readiness! This eliminates the stress and ensures all boxes are checked off so that students can successfully graduate on time.


I don’t just help people emotionally! With an appointment, I can also help you set up goals, plan your future, and make sure you are meeting requirements along the way. Who am I?

Your school counselor, Ms. Barry!


If you want to communicate non-verbally, this skill is required.

Writing: Write clearly and accurately


"The calling of the humanities is to make us truly human in the best sense of the word" - J. Irwin Miller

How many credits do you need in either WORLD LANGUAGES, ARTS, and/or CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION?



"The most reliable way to predict the future is to create it." - Abraham Lincoln

How many credits do you need in HIGHER EDUCATION AND CAREER PATH SKILLS?

0.5 Credits!


The first portion of the PLP is the education plan and profile. What does this consist of?

Documentation of a student’s academic and career goals, planning, achievements, and related experiences based on a series of career awareness and exploration activities.


What if I don't know what I want to do with my future?

There are a variety of ways to explore your future. Some ways can include:


College/Career Fairs


Job Shadowing


A universal language used every day in various ways.

Math: Apply mathematics in a variety of settings


"The farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see." - Winston Churchill

How many SOCIAL SCIENCE credits do you need?

How many credits must be obtained through either: Civics and inclusive instruction in Tribal History/ Shared History, Holocaust/ Genocide, and Ethnic Studies?

Three credits total with 0.5 credits in either Civics and inclusive instruction in Tribal History/ Shared History, Holocaust/ Genocide, and Ethnic Studies.


“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went.” - Dave Ramsey

How many credits do you need in PERSONCAL FINANCIAL EDUCATION?

0.5 credits!


The second part of the PLP is career related learning experiences. What does this consist of?

Structured educational experiences that connect students to life outside of  the traditional classroom setting.

This can include: job shadows, workplace field trips, career bases guest speakers, internships..


Through your college and/or career exploration, you can create a roadmap to help you along your journey. What is a roadmap?

A roadmap is a step by step plan that covers a wide timespan. This tool can help students create a tentative timeline with goals, helping ensure preliminary steps are not missed and all objectives are met.


How do you get tested on these skills?

Through work samples that you complete in class!


“Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.” – Shakuntala Devi

How many MATHEMATICS credits do you need and what math subject do these credits need to be above?

Three credits ABOVE algebra I


“Science may set limits to knowledge, but should not set limits to imagination.” - Bertrand Russell

How many science credits do you need and what are the two components the classes must include?

You need three science credits!

These credits must be obtained in a science class that includes scientific inquiry and lab experience!


The third (and final) portion of the PLP is extended application. What does this consist of?

A product that showcases a student’s exploration of a concept, idea, career path, or project that aligns with their interests and goals.


I failed a class, but really want to graduate on time. What can I do?

You may schedule an appointment with your counselor to look at your best options. Some viable options are challenging a course you feel confident in to free up a class period, or you can take the class during senior year instead of the "free period" some students have.