What is the name of the company Olivia works at?
Who is Olivia’s most listened to Spotify artist 4 years in a row?
Dominic Fike
What is the name of the coffee shop Olivia used to work at?
Red Rock
What is Olivia’s favorite color?
Which friend did Olivia want to marry in Kindergarten?
What is Olivia’s full job title?
Sustainability Analyst
What artist did Olivia see twice in concert in 2022?
Harry Styles
What instrument did Olivia play in high school?
How many tattoos does Olivia have?
Where did Jackie and Olivia have their first date? (100 bonus points if you can name both places)
Lone Palm and Bar Part Time
What are the names of the birds that get Olivia & her coworkers through the day?
Jackie and Shadow
What is the concert Olivia got free tickets to last year?
Rebecca Black
How many cats has Olivia owned in her life?
What animal is Olivia afraid of?
What is the name of Olivia’s German host sister from study abroad?
What does CEO in her groupchat CEO of WOO stand for?
Who was the last artist Olivia saw in concert?
sIR Chloe
What pets does Olivia have at her parent’s house in Los Altos (3 possible answers, 200 bonus points if you get all)
Cats, Dog + Chickens
What singers can Olivia do an impression of? (Two possible answers))
Cher, Shakira
How many times did Olivia move growing up?
What is Olivia’s non binary name?
Who was Olivia’s first concert?
Lily Allen
Where did Olivia have a lake house growing up?
What was Olivia for Halloween in 2023? (There are 3 answers, 200 bonus points if you get all 3)
Lord Farquaad, Hellen Keller, Ron Weasley
What is the name of Jamie’s (Olivia’s sister) cats?
Noodle or Adam