Synergy Imperative
and Framework
Leadership Styles
Relationship Skills
Resilience and Feedback
Feedback and Advocacy

What is the cornerstone of success in a networked organization, according to the text?

Synergy, the harmonious collaboration that yields results greater than the sum of individual efforts.


How many distinct leadership styles are presented in the framework? Name them!

Seven distinct leadership styles. Forceful, Royal, Status Quo, Avoidance, Manipulative, Agreeable, and Balanced


What are the seven relationship (synergy) skills identified in the framework?

Feedback, Initiative, Inquiry, Advocacy, Decision-Making, Conflict Resolution, and Resilience.


What is resilience measured by in the context of the framework?

How individuals and teams handle setbacks and failure when results are lower than expected.


What are the four components of feedback mentioned in the framework?

Pre-feedback, periodic feedback, concurrent feedback, and post-feedback.


Why is self-deception a problem for leaders in organizations?

It creates a gap in awareness between a personal view of effectiveness and the view held by those who experience that person, causing confusion in crucial issues and decisions.


What is the main characteristic of the "Forceful" leadership style?

Expecting results and taking control by clearly stating a course of action, enforcing rules that sustain high results, and not permitting deviation.


How does feedback contribute to effective workplace relationships?

It helps build shared understanding and norms, stay on course, save time, and address matters early, thereby creating an opportunity for synergy.


What is a common method for avoiding candor in feedback?

Using anonymous feedback.


Why is pre-feedback important in team activities?

It establishes a strategy before starting an activity, defining a progress schedule and clear criteria for accomplishment, making it easier to stay on track.


What are the three broad activities classified under the framework where interactions and leadership styles are vital?

Allocating and utilizing resources, developing and maintaining relationships, and producing results.


Describe the "Royal" leadership style.

Providing leadership by defining initiatives, offering praise and appreciation for support, and discouraging challenges to thinking.


Why is inquiry considered a critical starting point for effective discussions?

Because it initiates two-way discussions and sets the stage for openness and enthusiasm.


How can sound feedback be maintained throughout the process of an activity?

By developing and revisiting criteria regularly, making them real and tangible to those involved in a discussion or meeting.


How does concurrent feedback differ from periodic feedback?

Concurrent feedback occurs spontaneously during the activity to discuss the quality of work immediately, while periodic feedback follows a preset schedule.


How does the framework suggest addressing unsound initiative in a team setting?

By agreeing on what behaviors are effective beforehand, making it easier to address unsound initiative based on the agreed criteria rather than personal judgment.


What is a critical weakness of the "Forceful" leadership style when under pressure?

Vulnerability due to a lack of good relationship development and maintenance skills.


What does sound initiative and decision-making focus on in team relationships?

What’s right rather than who’s right, leading to comprehensive, objective, and motivating initiatives.


What is the purpose of post-feedback in the feedback process?

To discuss why an activity succeeded or failed, examining what worked as well as what didn’t to reinforce successes and learn from failures.


What is a critical disadvantage of using anonymous feedback?

It reduces the ability to learn from experience through discussion and clarification, as comments are not associated with specific individuals and lack accountability.


What is the paradoxical challenge faced by leaders according to the framework?

Balancing influence and openness to guide teams towards a shared vision while fostering a culture of collaboration.


How does the "Balanced" leadership style differ from the "Forceful" style?

The "Balanced" style invites involvement and commitment, explores facts and alternative views to reach a shared understanding of the best solution, unlike the "Forceful" style which is more authoritarian.


Describe the importance of sound advocacy in team settings.

It clarifies opinions while inviting alternative views, ensuring that the soundest idea prevails and increasing personal commitment within the team.


What role does resilience play in a constantly changing business world?

It allows individuals and teams to learn from setbacks and failures, translating them into valuable learning experiences that strengthen future effectiveness. Coupled with Strong Knowledge Management, it helps organizations to move quickly. 


How can effective advocacy increase personal commitment in teams?

By allowing individuals to share their personal views and opinions, which clarifies underlying assumptions, addresses fears, and creates a win/win scenario that heightens interest and awareness regarding team progress.