3) Feudalism
5) Christian Kingdoms
6) Growth of Towns
7) Age of Discovery
9) 17th Century Europe

The person who lived in the castle or manor house and fought for the king. 

The noble 


This group of nobles, clergy and townspeople advised the kings on new laws and taxes. 

The Parliament 


This terrible disease was spread by rats and killed about a third of the people in Europe.

The Black Death 


Ferdinand and Isabella created a powerful alliance between these two kingdoms. 

Castile and Aragón 


The reason Louis XIV was called the “Sun King.” 

The splendor of his court 


The people who lived in the villages and worked in the fields. 

The peasants 


These three cultures lived together peacefully in the city of Toledo. 

Christians, Muslims, Jews 


An association comprised of artisans of the same type. 

A guild 


This Italian merchant became a famous explorer and wrote a popular book about his travels. 

Marco Polo 


The reason Louis XIV thought that he should have absolute power. 

He said God had chosen him to be king. 


The area given to a knight in return for providing military service. 

A fee 


In the 14th century, the Christians started to persecute the Jews and many thousands of Jews were killed. Give two reasons why the Christians persecuted the Jews. 

The Black Death; important government jobs; wealth; crucifixion of Christ 


Name the three types, or levels, of artisans. 

Apprentice, journeyman, master craftsman 


This name refers to Muslims who remained in Spain and converted to Christianity. 



The age of Charles II when he became king. 

Four years old 


The mêlée and the joust were the two main parts of this form of entertainment. 



Name the five Christian kingdoms we learned about in class. 

Asturias/León, Castile, Navarre, Aragón, Catalan counties 


Name two of the tools or techniques people invented to improve agriculture. 

The three-field system, a better plough, horse shoes and horse collar 


The Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, had these three main aims. 

1. Increase their power 

2. Expand their kingdoms 

3. Achieve religious unity 


Philip III tried to end the wars he inherited from his father to save money, but he spent all his money on this instead. 

Parties and maintaining the court 


The agricultural invention that was used to grind corn into flour and extract oil from olives. 

The windmill 


At first, the Christian kingdoms were much less prosperous than Al-Andalusia, but they eventual became richer. Name one specific factor that contributed to their growing wealth. 

They exported merino wool to other countries. 

Artisans came from Al-Andalus, bringing new skills and technology. 

The taifas paid tribute to the Christian kings. 


The new social class that was created by people who were rich and powerful but weren’t nobles. 

The Bourgeoisie 


There were four reasons the Europeans suddenly started to explore the rest of the world. Name two. 

1. The Europeans wanted to find alternative trade routes. 

2. Their navigation improved because of the compass, astrolabe, and maps. 

3. They developed a faster and more maneuverable boat called a caravel. 

4. Rulers like the Catholic Monarchs financed voyages to find lands, gold and silver. 


Count-Duke of Olivares becomes very unpopular and causes several rebellions by changing this law. 

He makes people from all of the Spanish kingdoms pay for wars, instead of just the people in Castile.