Claims, Counterclaims, and Thesis Statements
Narrative Writing
Different Informative Essays
Transition Words
The Writing Process

Which of the following best defines a claim in an argumentative essay?
a. To summarize the essay’s topic.
b. A personal anecdote unrelated to the topic.
c. A clear statement expressing the writer's argument.
d. A list of sources used for research.

C. A clear statement expressing the writer's argument. 


Which of the following describes the point of view in a narrative writing piece?
a. The font and text size used in the story.
b. The perspective from which the story is told.
c. The time period in which the story is set.
d. The author's favorite characters in the story.

b. The perspective from which the story is told.


What do you need to do for a Compare and Contrast essay?
a. Present the similarities and differences between two or more subjects
b. Provide a detailed summary of a single topic.
c. Persuade the reader to agree with the author's point of view.
d. Tell a personal story or recount an experience.

a. Present the similarities and differences between two or more subjects


Which transition word can be used to introduce an example or provide further information?
a. On the other hand,
b. In conclusion,
c. For instance,
d. In sum,

c. For instance,


Why is pre-writing an important step in the writing process?
a. To correct grammar and spelling errors in the final draft.
b. To organize thoughts and ideas before starting to write.
c. To revise and edit the content for clarity and coherence.
d. To submit the final draft to the teacher for grading.

b. To organize thoughts and ideas before starting to write.


Why do you need to include a counterclaim in an argumentative essay?
a. To present an opposing viewpoint and address potential objections.
b. To provide evidence that supports the main claim.
c. To make the essay longer and meet the word count requirement.
d. To showcase the writer's ability to use complex vocabulary.

a. To present an opposing viewpoint and address potential objections. 


What is dialogue in narrative writing?
a. The narrator's thoughts and feelings.
b. The description of the story's setting.
c. The conversation between characters.
d. The main conflict of the story.

c. The conversation between characters.


What do you need to do for a Definition essay?
a. Express the author's personal opinions and emotions.
b. Tell a fictional story using descriptive language.
c. Provide information and explanation about a specific concept.
d. Persuade the reader to adopt a certain point of view.

c. Provide information and explanation about a specific concept.


Which transition word is used to provide a conclusion?
a. Meanwhile,
b. Furthermore,
c. In conclusion,
d. In contrast,

c. In conclusion,


Why is a rough draft an important part of the writing process?
a. It allows you to write your final draft quickly.
b. It allows you to publish your work.
c. It provides an opportunity to gather feedback and make revisions/edits after.
d. It serves as the final version of your writing.

c. It provides an opportunity to gather feedback and make revisions/edits after.


Which of the following statements best describes a thesis statement in an informative essay?

a. A brief summary of the main idea of the essay.
b. A question posed to the reader to engage their curiosity.
c. A clear and concise sentence that presents the main points of the essay.
d. A personal anecdote that introduces the topic of the essay.

c. A clear and concise sentence that presents the main points of the essay. 


What is the definition of "plot" in narrative writing?
a. The main message or lesson that the author wants the reader to learn.
b. The order of events in a story and their connection to create a meaningful sequence.
c. The author's choice of words and phrases to create vivid descriptions.
d. The characters' feelings and emotions throughout the story.

b. The order of events in a story and their connection to create a meaningful sequence.


What do you need to do for a Classification essay?
a. Express personal opinions and experiences.
b. Persuade the reader to take a specific action.
c. Entertain the reader with a captivating story.
d. Categorize and organize items or ideas based on shared characteristics.

d. Categorize and organize items or ideas based on shared characteristics.


Which transition word can be used to emphasize a point or add emphasis to an argument?
a. Moreover,
b. Nonetheless,
c. Nevertheless,
d. Consequently,

a. Moreover,


Why is editing an essential part of the writing process?
a. It helps you generate ideas and brainstorm creatively.
b. It ensures that your writing is free from grammatical errors and typos.
c. It allows you to share your work with others and get feedback.
d. It helps you establish a strong thesis statement.

b. It ensures that your writing is free from grammatical errors and typos.


What do you need in an introduction of an informative essay?
a. A conclusion that restates the main points.
b. Personal opinions and feelings related to the topic.
c. A preview of the supporting evidence.
d. A thesis statement that tell what the essay will be about.

d. A thesis statement that tell what the essay will be about.


What is the inciting incident in a narrative story?
a. The event that sets the story in motion and introduces the central conflict.
b. The most exciting and action-packed part of the story.
c. The event that occurs at the very end of the story, revealing the resolution.
d. The moment when the story's characters are introduced.

a. The event that sets the story in motion and introduces the central conflict.


What do you need to do for a Cause and Effect essay?
a. Entertain the reader with exciting stories.
b. Persuade the reader to agree with the author's opinion.
c. Explain the relationship between two topics.
d. Provide a list of facts and statistics.

c. Explain the relationship between two topics.


 What transition word is used to connect and show two different ideas?
a. In addition,
b. On the contrary,
c. To summarize,
d. As a result,

b. On the contrary,


Why is revising an important part of the writing process?
a. To improve the clarity and organization of sentences.
b. To correct spelling and grammar mistakes.
c. To make the writing longer and meet word count requirements.
d. To save time and finish the writing quickly.

a. To improve the clarity and flow of your sentences and words.


What do you need to do for a conclusion in an argumentative essay?
a. Introduce new supporting evidence for the main points.
b. Provide explanation for a piece of evidence.
c. Present a counter argument that challenges the essay's main ideas.
d. Restate the claim and the main arguments of the essay.

d. Restate the claim and the main arguments of the essay.


What is the climax in a narrative story?
a. The part where the main characters are introduced.
b. The part where the setting and background information are described.
c. The point of greatest tension or conflict in the story.
d. The conclusion of the story where loose ends are tied up.

c. The point of greatest tension or conflict in the story.


 What transition word is used to connect and show two different ideas?
a. In addition,
b. On the contrary,
c. To summarize,
d. As a result,

b. On the contrary,


What is a final draft in the writing process?
a. The first version of a piece of writing.
b. A rough draft with spelling and grammar errors.
c. The polished and edited version of a piece of writing.
d. An outline or brainstorming notes for a writing project.

c. The polished and edited version of a piece of writing.