
What is a friend?

A person you know and like (and knows you and likes you back) and that you choose to talk to or spend time with


What is a boundary?

Personal rules that tell other people how you want to be treated


TRUE or FALSE: Problems can be big or small.



What is self-esteem?

How you feel about yourself


Which of the following does NOT show loyalty and trustworthiness?

a. Sticking up for someone

b. Telling the truth

c. Keeping your promises and meaning what you say

d. Staying their friend no matter what

d. Staying their friend no matter what


TRUE or FALSE: Best friends never cross any of your boundaries.



Problems can be about:
a. School challenges

b. Conflicts with friends

c. Issues with family

d. All of the above

d. All of the above


Name one sign of high self-esteem.

- Confidence

- Self-respect

- Resilience: Recover quickly from difficult conditions

- Feeling comfortable being yourself


Which of the following is NOT a quality involved in a healthy friendship?

a. Support

b. Loyalty

c. Trying to fit in

d. Trustworthiness

c. Trying to fit in


Name an example of a boundary.

Personal space, touch, personal information, communication


Why is making good decisions important?

a. Build unhealthy relationships with family members, friends, teachers, etc.

b. Better handle challenges and opportunities throughout your life

c. Say yes to peer pressure

d. Can lead to bad grades

b. Better handle challenges and opportunities throughout your life


Name one sign of low self-esteem.

- Self-doubt

- Negative self-talk: Being mean to yourself

- Fear of failure

- Trying to be like someone else


How can you show a friend support or encouragement if they say, “I can’t believe I got a bad grade on that test. I really tried my best.”

“I’m so sorry that happened.” 

“I can help you study next time.”

“Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”


TRUE or FALSE: Boundaries let you choose how people treat you and who you spend time with



Which of the following is the FIRST step in making decisions?

a. Define the problem

b. Gather any information you may need

c. Identify options available to you

a. Define the problem


A person is more likely to say "yes" to peer pressure if they have HIGH or LOW self-esteem?

LOW self-esteem


What is one question you can ask yourself to figure out how to show support or encouragement to a friend?

How can I be helpful?

What are they feeling?


What can you do if someone crosses your boundary?

Use an I-statement -- Tell them how you feel and why you feel that way


Scenario: Your friend is going through a tough time emotionally, but they don’t want to seek help or talk about their feelings. How can you support your friend and encourage them to open up about what they're going through?

What is the problem in the scenario?

Problem: My friend is going through something tough. I’m worried about them, and I’m not sure how I can support them.


What is one way a person can boost their self-esteem?

- Replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations

- Creating short- and long-term goals

- Celebrating achievements

- Having supportive friends

- Getting involved in things you enjoy