Loving God
Loving Neighbor
God's blessings
Bible Verses
Overflowing Love

What are the two greatest commandments?

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself.


Who is our neighbor, according to the Bible?

Everyone – even those who are different from us or those we may consider enemies.


What is the promise in Luke 6:38 for those who give?

A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over will be poured into your lap.


Complete this verse: "Love the Lord your God with all your..."

heart, soul, mind, and strength.


Name one way you can share God's love with others.

giving a compliment, helping someone in need, sharing your faith


Name three ways you can show love to God.

Prayer, worship, reading the Bible, obedience, thanksgiving, etc.


Give two examples of how Jesus showed love to His neighbors.

healing the sick, feeding the hungry, forgiving sins, welcoming the outcast, etc.


What are some ways God blesses us?

spiritual blessings like peace and joy, material blessings like provision and protection, relational blessings like friendship and family.


What is the second greatest commandment?

Love your neighbor as yourself.


How does showing love to others help us grow closer to God?

By loving others, we reflect God's love and experience His presence more deeply in our lives.


 What does it mean to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength?

It means to love God completely and fully, with our emotions, our very being, our thoughts, and our actions.


How can we show love to someone we disagree with or who is different from us?

listening to their perspective, showing kindness and respect, praying for them, finding common ground.


How can our obedience to God's commands lead to blessings in our lives?

Obedience demonstrates our love for God and opens us up to receive the good things He has in store for us.


In what book of the Bible do we find the greatest commandments?



Why is it important to show love to both God and our neighbor?

The two greatest commandments are intertwined; our love for God should lead us to love others, and loving others demonstrates our love for God/Salt of the earth.


How does loving God impact our relationships with others?

Loving God helps us to love others more deeply and unconditionally, as He first loved us.


How does loving our neighbor reflect our love for God?

Jesus taught that loving our neighbor is an expression of our love for God.


Explain the concept of "overflowing blessings."

God's blessings are not limited or measured; they are abundant and overflowing, exceeding our expectations.


Name another verse in the Bible that talks about God's blessings. (points for each correct answer)

Psalm 23:5, Malachi 3:10, John 10:10


How can we cultivate a heart of overflowing love for others?

By spending time with God in prayer and studying His Word, asking Him to fill us with His love and compassion.


Explain how loving God is connected to the concept of overflowing blessings.

When we prioritize our love for God and seek to obey Him, we open ourselves up to the abundant blessings He desires to give us.


In what ways can showing love to others lead to blessings in our own lives?

deeper relationships, greater joy and peace, stronger community, experiencing God's love more fully.


How does the image of a cup overflowing relate to our spiritual lives?

 It symbolizes the fullness of joy, peace, and fulfillment that God offers us when we live in relationship with Him and follow His commands.


How does the verse in Proverbs 11:25 (NIV) connect to the theme of overflowing blessings?

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed."


Describe a time when you experienced God's overflowing blessings in your life or witnessed it in someone else's life.