Checking the facts

What is the most  important quality you would want in a friendship?

Honesty, loyalty, Kind, caring, etc.,


Name and act out a few components of body language that can be important in communication. 

Eye contact, fidgeting, slouching, emotional facial expressions to name a few....


Significant component in resolving conflict where both people get some parts of what they request.

What is compromise?


What is an assumption?

Something that you accept as true without question or proof.


Name 3 signs of a toxic friendship?

1. Dishonest

2. Wants to be your friend when no one is around.

3. Will say hurtful things about you to other people.

**Will accept any answers that covers these types of topics.


What is an "I" statement?

An “I” message can help you communicate your concerns, feelings, and needs without blaming others or sounding threatening. It helps you get your point across without causing the listener to shut down.


True or False: Yelling and cursing is a helpful way to communicate your needs to family and friends. (Bonus: why or why not?)

What is False?


Can an assumption be wrong? Provide an example of a time when you made an assumption and you were wrong.

Yes, assumptions can be wrong. Many times they are. They can can create strong emotions that influence our behaviors. 


Role play how to introduce yourself to a new student. Must ask the student  3 questions.

If student roleplays successfully they will be given the points.


True or false: Posture is not important when communicating with others.

What is False?


State of mind necessary to engage in assertive communication.

What is calm?


What does it mean to check the facts?

Checking the facts means noticing our judgements and assumptions and separating them from the actually facts of the situation (what was seen, heard, etc.)


What would you do if your friend stopped talking to you? This is a relationship that is important to you and that you want to keep.

Correct response will describe, in detail, the steps you would take. There are  many correct responses to this question. 


By nodding one's head, saying small comments such as "go on," and using eye contact one is demonstrating what action?

What is active listening?


What is a situation that would require you to be more assertive in your communication?

What is...

Being asked to do something you don't feel comfortable doing. 

*More than one answer can be given. 


Noticing our assumptions will be helpful in what way?

Noticing assumptions will allow us to think or logically and not allow strong emotions to take over and lead to poor choices.

**Answers can vary but should be close to the one listed above.