Bounce Back
Group Agreements
Social Thinking
RISE Jeopardy
This is the DBT Skill you would you use to support when you don't now what you're thinking or feeling. 

What is mindfulness?


These are some ways our body tells us we are angry. *Hint - these are the physiological responses to anger*

What is muscle tensing, hands going into fists, heart beating faster, etc


These are THREE parts of Whole Body Listening

What are: Eyes on the speaker, calm body, quiet mouth, hands on the floor, hands in our lap. 


This is what you can say to someone who helps you. 

Thank you!


What is the name of your new teacher?

Who is Mrs. Schroeder! (and she is also our new Lead Teacher :)


This mind only has us focusing on our anger, sadness, happiness, or other feelings. 

What is Emotional Mind? 

These are the supports we have in school. 

Teacher, para, BT, SSW, security, etc...


This is the day we have snacks brought in for group by Ms. Barnes.

What is Friday

This is something you can do when you don't agree with someone

What is take space, seek out adult support, share your point of view respectfully, etc..


We have two BT's who joined us this school year - what are their names? 

Who are Mr. Welsh and Mr. Vazquez


When you can't control your feelings, these are the skills you can use to support yourself. 

What is emotion regulation? 


These are examples of what: emotions we initially have that bring others to us. 

What are Primary Emotions? 


Name THREE group agreements we have

What are: Whole Body Listening, sitting in our seats at the start of group, raising our hands when we want to speak, no side conversations, etc...


These are TWO examples we use when playing with friends. 

Sharing, taking turns, listening to others, etc..


What staff person teaches our friends next door in 2/3?

Who is Ms. Thomas


This mind allows us to only look at what is going on around us. 

What is fact mind? 

These are examples of emotions we have that push people away from us. 

What are Secondary Emotions? 


This person created the Joke of the Day as part of our group

Who is JIOMAR!

Today's joke is: What do you do when a police officer is at your window? 


This is how you would introduce yourself to someone new...(act it out)

(act it out)


These are the THREE spaces we can do to take a break when we need it. 

What is the Cloud Room, Sensory Gym, and Sen Den. 


These are the two parts that make up WISE MIND. 

What is emotional mind and fact mind? 


These components make up the CBT Triangle. *Hint: there are 3*

What are: thoughts, feelings, behaviors? 


This is the action we do when we have something to say

Raise our hands


These are examples of UNEXPECTED and EXPECTED behaviors (give one for each)

UNEXPECTED - things we don't do

EXPECTED-Things we should be doing


What new special do we have in school this year (hint: we have always had gym, music, and art)? 

What is STEM!