Who, What, When,
Where, & Wear?
Eat, Drink,
& Be Merry!
The Good, The Bad,
and The Unlucky

Statistically, where is the most common place to have a meeting outside of the office?

a. What is in a hotel?

b. What is in a cafe?

c. What is in a restaurant?

What is a hotel?


Never ask for these condiments in Portugal as it is insulting to the person who prepared the food.

a. What is Salt & Pepper?

b. What is Ketchup & Mustard?

What is Salt & Pepper?


For this country, it's customary to tip at least 15% as it's perceived as extremely rude if you don't.

a. What is Canada?

b. What is the USA?

What is the USA?


Here, you should never send a white limousine to pick up your guests, as white limousines are used as hearses.

a. What is Hong Kong?

b. What is Japan?

What is Hong Kong?


While most business attire errs on the side of conservative, in this part world, it's encouraged to bling it up and dress with flair!

a. What is France?

b. What is the Middle East?

c. What is South America?

What is South America?


In this region, if you are served a whole fish, you should never flip it over as it symbolizes bad luck and represents fisherfolks' boats capsizing.

a. What is the Balkan Region?

b. What is Southeast Asia?

c. What is Central America?

What is Southeast Asia?


In these two cultures, it is extremely rude to use your index finger when pointing out things; instead use your thumbs to gesture.

a. Malaysian and Cambodian Culture.

b. Korean and Polynesian Culture.

c. Indonesian and Malaysian Culture.

What is Malaysian and Cambodian Culture?


In this country, it's bad luck to put your purse or wallet on the floor as it will bring bad financial luck!

a. What is Canada?

b. What is Brazil?

c. What is the Czech Republic?

What is Brazil?


In Korean Culture, it is only polite to turn your head and cover your mouth when _________ with someone who is your superior.

a. What is sneezing or coughing?

b. What is drinking?

c. What is laughing?

What is drinking?


In this country, never place bread upside down because it symbolizes poverty and hunger?

a. What is Germany?

b. What is Switzerland?

c. What is France?

What is France?


In Portugal, it is customary to do this after a business deal.

a. What is go out for a meal?

b. What is giving a gift?

c. What is send a formal letter of thanks?

What is giving a gift?


In this country, never shake hands over the threshold of the door as it considered a grave insult to those you are meeting.

a. What is France?

b. What is Germany?

c. What is Russia?

What is Russia?


In most places in this part of the world, stepping over other people's legs or feet, especially if they are superior, is considered rude. Better to walk around them. Also, stepping over a person while they're lying down is considered disrespectful!

a. What is Africa?

b. What is Asia?

c. What is Europe?

d. What is Polynesia?

What is Africa?


In the middle east, it's considered a "blessing in disguise" to spill ____________.

a. What is Wine?

b. What is Salt?

c. What is Coffee?

d. What is Water?

What is Coffee?


In this religion, never serve food using your left hand because it is incredibly insulting as traditionally, the left hand is used to wipe/clean/wash one's bottom.

a. What is Buddhism?

b. What is Shinto?

c. What is Islam?

What is Islam?


In many cultures around the world, doing this while cooking will make one a widower early in life.

a. What is singing?

b. What is dancing?

c. What is praying?

d. What is talking?

What is singing?


Late is great! In this Latin American Country, it is considered impolite to arrive on time, as you are expected to make allowances for your host to be late as well!

What is Brazil?


Never pass food from chopstick to chopstick in Japan as this is a practice in ____________ rites.

What is Funerary/Funeral rites?


Lively meetings! In this country's business meetings, it's common for colleagues to interrupt, talk over each other, use expressive hand gestures, and talk loudly. Don't be startled or surprised; it's common practice.

What is Italy?


In Japan, if the Maneki Neko or lucky cut has its right arm raised then it will bring in financial luck but if it has its left arm raised then it will bring in ____________.

What is relationship and people luck?