
In which country would you find the world's largest volcano?

A. Japan

B. United States

C. Italy

D. Child

B. United States

Mauna Loa is located in Hawaii and is the world's largest volcano, measured from its base beneath the ocean surface.


In the deserts of North America, which lizard is known for its ability to run on its hind legs and has a unique defense mechanism of spraying blood for its eyes as a deterrent to predators? 

A. Horned Lizard

B. Collard Lizard

C. Chuckwalla

D. Gila Monster

A. Horned Lizard

Horned Lizards, found in North American deserts, are known for their ability to run on hind legs and their unique defense mechanism of spraying blood from their eyes when threatened. 


Approximately how old is the Universe? 

A. 1.2 Million Years Old

B. 13.7 Billion Years Old

C. 3.4 Billion Years Old

D. 47.3 Million Years Old

B. 13.7 Billion Years Old


What is both a seed company and an exercise that involves a squat, a pushup and jumping in the air?



M&M’s Fruit Chews would eventually become what popular candy?



Which country is the only one in the world without an official capital? 

A. Switzerland

B. Monaco

C. Nauru

D. Tuvalu

C. Nauru

Nauru is the only world without an official capital; government offices are in Yaren.


What is the deadliest creature on earth as far as human deaths are concerned?

A) Dogs

B) Mosquito

C) Humans

D) Snakes

1. Mosquitos- 725000

2. Humans-400000

3. Snakes-138000

4. Dogs-59000


Comets are made out of three things. Which of the following is NOT one of the things comets are made of:

A. Dust

B. Rocks

C. Fire

D. Ice

C. Fire


What is the only team/individual sport to be played on the moon?



What is the base ingredient in gummy bears?

A. Starch

B. Gelatin

C. Honey

D. Sugar

B. Gelatin


What U.S. state is home to no documented poisonous snakes?



What is the name of the deep-sea fish with a transparent, barrel-shaped body and its bioluminescent lure hanging in front of its mouth? 

A. Lanternfish

B. Cookiecutter Shark

C. Dragonfish

D. Hatchetfish

A. Lanternfish

Lanternfish have transparent bodies and use bioluminescent lures to attract prey. They are widespread in the deep sea. 


What color is the hottest kind of star? 

A. Red

B. White

C. Yellow

D. Blue

D. Blue


How many balls are in a single game of pool?



 True or false: An orange always has the same number of slices?

False. The number of segments varies by orange but typically is about 10-12.


As of May of 2024, which country has the largest population? 

A) China

B) India

C) United States

D) Indonesia

B) India


1 India 1,425.8 M

2 China1,425.7 M

3 United States 333.3 M 

4 Indonesia275.5 M


Which of the following contributes to the pink color of flamingos?

A) Age

B) Diet

C) Genetics (they are just born that way)

D) Mix of water and sun exposure

B) Diet

When flamingos are born, they are not pink. Instead they are grey in color. They can also be white in color. Flamingos are pink because they eat foods high in carotenoids. Carotenoids are pigments that are orange-red in color. Shrimp contain carotenoids.  When flamingos eat foods containing carotenoids, the pigment is transferred to their body and broken down causing the flamingo to be pink.


Approximately how many miles is a lightyear? 

A. 5.88 Trillion Miles

B. 6.8 Billion Miles

C. 5.78 Million Miles

D. 1.25 Million Miles

A. 5.88 Trillion Miles


In what sport are players not allowed to play left-handed?

A. Tennis

B. Polo (Land)

C. Rugby

D. Cricket



What is the most commonly consumed vegetable in the world?

A) Corn

B) Potato

C) Tomato

D) Garlic

B. Potato


Which volcanic island in the Atlantic Ocean is known for its endemic biodiversity (many) and inspired Darwin's Theory of Evolution? 

*Endemic species are those found in only one region of the world.

A. Krakatoa

B. Santorini

C. Galapagos Islands

D. Java

C. Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands, part of Ecuador, are renowned for their unique wildlife and were pivotal in Charles Darwin's research.  


In Africa, five animals are named "The Big Five" game animals because they are difficult to hunt on foot. Which of the following is NOT part of the Big Five?

A. Lion

B. Leopard

C. Rhino

D. Cheetah

D. Cheetah

The Big Five consists of lions, leopards, rhinoceros, elephants, and buffalos. 


Which planet has the largest ocean? 

A. Earth

B. Jupiter

C. Mercury

D. Saturn

B. Jupiter


Celebrated for its ability to improve athletic capacity and glucose metabolism, HIIT is typically a cardiovascular exercise strategy alternating periods of intense exercise with recovery. What does HIIT stand for?


High-Intensity Interval Training

Which of the following has the most Vitamin C?

A) Orange

B) Bell pepper

C) Tomato

D) Grapefruit

B. Red Pepper