ABA Definitions
Teaching Methods
History of ABA

The study of observable, measurable behavior focusing the science of learning, socially significant behavior, and relationships between behavior and the environment.

What is Applied Behavior Analysis?


Assistance provided by a clinician to encourage a specific skill.

What is prompting?


Completed at least once per session, clinician led, and record the initial response.

What is DTT Probe Session?


Considered the "father of behaviorism" introduced radical behaviorism.

What is B.F. Skinner?


A new behavior or skill that occurs in the presence of a novel individual or environment.

What is generalization?


Clinician focuses on the learner's behavior to encourage or teach a specific skill.

What is response prompt?


A positive statement that acknowledges a specific, observable, measurable behavior.

What is behavior specific praise?


B.F. Skinner developed this theory of behaviorism that includes the 3-term contingency (antecedent, behavior, consequence).

What is operant conditioning? 


A process of teaching a new behavior that focuses on reinforcing successive approximations of a behavior.

What is shaping?


Clinician utilizes materials to draw the learner's attention to the desired behavior.

What is stimulus prompt?


Teaching where the learner guides towards the skills or activities they want to interact with.

What is free play?


Researcher that further developed the field of ABA focusing on continued research that laid the foundation for understanding reinforcement and punishment in behavior.

What is Edward Thorndike?


The process of withholding reinforcement from a previously reinforced behavior to decrease the probability of the behavior of occurring in the future.

What is extinction? 


Uses the minimum amount of physical prompting to guide the client to correctly respond, clinician ready to prompt if necessary but gradually decrease the level of physical prompting.

What is graduated guidance? 


Less structured learning, where the learner's interest to an object or an activity guides the learner in a specific moment in time.

What is incidental teaching? 


The first self-proclaimed behaviorist, conducted controversial research, notably the "Little Albert" study. Explored classical conditioning to condition fear and concluded that emotions, including fear, are learned through environmental manipulation rather than innate.

What is John Watson?


The process of teaching individuals to differentiate between cues or different stimuli in their environment.

What is Discrimination Training?


When one dimension (e.g. color, size, etc) is paired with the correct stimulus choice during learning.

What is Redundancy Cue? 


Full prompt --> _________ ----> _________ -----> present original Sd.

What is transfer trial and distractor trial?


Renown for his work in classical conditioning, exploring how environmental stimuli can influence behavior. Famous experiments involved teaching dogs to salivate at the sound of a neutral stimulus, illustrating the concept of reflexive responses to environmental cues.

What is Ivan Pavlov?