This is not a rule but something that we practice daily.
Classroom routine.
I earn this when I follow the rules/expectations and classroom routines.
Dojo Points
I am given two of these before I lose my dojo points.
I am given these when I follow the rules, routine, and show respect and responsibility in the classroom.
Dojo points and prizes
In order to "wait my turn" it is important that I...
I do this when I enter the classroom in the morning.
Get a book or chrome book and begin independent reading.
I receive this when I earn dojo points.
Choosing a prize from the prize bin in the ASES office.
I do this during recess if I haven't followed the rules or expectations.
Loosing time from recess
How can I use my dojo points?
Receive prizes in the ASES office.
My teachers would appreciate if I don't do this as they are teaching and explaining information.
Standing with my arms at my side, facing forward and mouth closed.
Lining up quietly.
I give this up when I am given one warning for not following the rules/expectations.
Taking away my dojo points?
After I am given two warnings for my behavior I loose one of these.
Dojo points and/or time from recess.
The teacher will ignore me if I...
blurt out and not raise my hand.
It is a school rule that I am not allowed to wear this during class.
I make a sharp point on this in the morning and take an extra one for the day.
Having a sharpened pencil before class and having another one as back up for the day.
I participate in this when I have been given 3 reminders (loosing dojo points).
Create an action plan: writing a letter of what I will do better next time
After two warnings and not correcting my behavior I will have to
create an action plan with how I plan to behave from now on.
The winning group with the most points will earn....
prize/fun time on the computer.
You are not allowed to use the small and bright rectangular object during class or school
Phones: they should be put away in your backpack or will be confiscated.
This happens at recess, lunch and ONLY in an emergency.
Practicing these will make us responsible students.
Following classroom procedures, rules, expectations, routines and respecting our teachers.
I am sent here if I violate and break any of the school rules.
When I follow school rules and classroom expectations.
I get to help the teacher choose a fun brain break video.
My responsibilities as a student is to...
be on task, show respect to my classmates and teachers and follow directions and always do my best!!!