What does Fatihah mean?
The opening
Which month in the hijri calander? (number)
How many prayers in a day?
How many verses in Surah Fatihah
What is the reward for performing Umrah in Ramadan?
Like doing Hajj
__________ is the most beloved place to Allah.
What is the meaning of Siraat?
What is the special night called in Ramadan?
Layla tul Qadr
What Surah is recited in all the prayers?
Surah Fatihah
What is the meaning of Alhamdulillah?
all thanks and praise
How generous was the Prophet in the month of Ramdan?
Generous as the wind
What is the prayer you pray when you enter the Masjid?
Taḥiyyat al-masjid
Who do we not want to follow? Mention 2
What is the purpose of Ramadan according to the Quran?
What is the reward for praying in the 3 Holy mosques?
Masjid Al Haram (Makkah): 100,000 prayers
Masjid An-Nabawi (Madinah): 1,000 prayers
Masjid Al Aqsa (Palestine): 500 prayers