Great Depression
Cold War

Who sang the song "Strange Fruit"?

Billie Holiday


What is the Great Depression?

It was a severe global economic downturn that affected many countries across the world. It became evident after a sharp decline in stock prices in the United States, leading to a period of economic depression.


Which 2 countries and leaders did the US align themselves with for battling Germany?

Winston Churchill (Great Britain) and Joseph Stalin (USSR)


Name the event that which this picture was taken:

The Yalta Conference


What was JFK's middle name



Name 2 influential figures that emerged from the Harlem Renaissance

Possible answers:

Langston Hughes, W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey, Civil Briggs, Walter Francis White, Josephine Baker, Paul Robeson, Zora Neale Hurston, Effie Lee Newsom, Aaron Douglass, Augusta Savage, Louis Armstrong, Count Bassie, Duke Ellington, Billie Holiday, Jelly Roll Morton


What year did the Great Depression Start?



Why were Japanese people forced into internment camps?

Discrimination and fear that people of Japanese descent in America would participate in espionage or help the Japanese in WWII


Who delivered the Iron Curtain Speech?

Winston Churchill


Who was JFK's attorney general?

His brother Robert Kennedy


Why was the Harlem Renaissance significant?

- large uptick in creativity, intellect, and art after the Great Migration

- launched the careers of artists

- set up the basis on the civil rights movement of  the 1960s


Name 3 of the major causes that the Great Depression happened

1. Republican Policies

2. Lack of financial regulation

3. Decline in farm incomes

4. Inequality/wage gap

5. Overproduction/underconsumption

6. Stock market crash


Define the Bracero Program

The Bracero program was a program where Mexican immigrants could come to the US to work.


Why was the Truman Doctrine significant?

It started the Cold War


Name 1 thing JFK accomplished during his presidency

Answers will vary

- peace corps

- tax breaks

- Services for the elderly and poor


Who were the 3 presidents of the 1920's

1. Harding

2. Coolidge

3. Hoover


What was the main problem that affected farmers in the Midwest during the Great Depression?

The Dust Bowl (major drought)


Who was at fault for the Zoot Suit Riots?

The party at fault is still unknown. It depends on the source, but each source has its own bias


Define McCarthyism

McCarthyism, also known as the Second Red Scare was a time when people were questioned unlawfully for their involvement with communism.

How did MLK help get Kennedy votes?

When MLK was arrested, JFK and his brother worked to get him released, which ended up getting JFK the African American vote.


How did the political climate change compared to the decades before?

- People were less involved in the elections

- more conservative than progressive

- valued economy over social issues


Why was the Wage Gap so prominent during the Great Depression?

Republican presidents put in the idea of trickle-down theory, thinking the money would get to the lower classes through the upper class, but instead, 1% of the population held 59% of the country's wealth and many Americans lived off of incomes that were barely enough for everyday essentials.


Name 4 of the Diverse Groups that contributed to WWII efforts

1. African Americans (Tuskeegee Airmen)

2. 442 Infantry (Japanese)

3. Navajo Code Talkers

4. Women


Define the Lavender Scare

People who were suspected to be LGBTQ+ were unlawfully questioned and often pressured to resign if they thought they were part of that community.


What is the quote JFK said in his inauguration speech that became famous?

"Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country"