Story Inferencing

Calvin and George went to the ice cream store on a hot day. They each wanted to get ice cream cones. Calvin ordered a scoop of peanut butter ice cream and one scoop of smores. George ordered two scoops of strawberry ice cream. The ice cream was the perfect frozen treat. Both boys felt much cooler.

What is the beginning, middle and end?


George was studying ____ Anna was baking 

a. or

b. while

c. if

d. unless

b. while 


Calvin and George went to the ice cream store on a hot day. They each wanted to get ice cream cones. Calvin ordered a scoop of peanut butter ice cream and one scoop of smores. George ordered two scoops of strawberry ice cream. The ice cream was the perfect frozen treat. Both boys felt much cooler.

What was the weather like outside? Who had 2 scoops of ice cream?

The weather was hot and George got 2 scoops


Kari and Ruby were great friends. They always had fun together. One day, they decided to go fishing. They went to the lake. The girls put worms on their hooks. They both threw their lines into the water. Kari felt a tug on her line. Then Ruby's fishing pole bent over. Both of the girls caught a fish. They were very proud of themselves.

What is the begining, middle and end?


The hiker looked at his compass _____ he was lost 

a. because

b. although 

c. but 

d. after 

a. because 


Kari and Ruby were great friends. They always had fun together. One day, they decided to go fishing. They went to the lake. The girls put worms on their hooks. They both threw their lines into the water. Kari felt a tug on her line. Then Ruby's fishing pole bent over. Both of the girls caught a fish. They were very proud of themselves.

Where did the girls go fishing? What did the girls put on their hooks?

The girls went fishing at the lake. They put works on their hooks.


Mason saw his dad in the kitchen. He was cooking dinner. Mason was watching him chop vegetables. Mason's dad asked if he wanted to learn how to cook a meal. Mason thought that was a great idea. They decided on salad and pasta.

What is the beginning, middle, and end?


______ dinner, we'll see a movie

a. and 

b. yet

c. because

d. after

d. after


Mason saw his dad in the kitchen. He was cooking dinner. Mason was watching him chop vegetables. Mason's dad asked if he wanted to learn how to cook a meal. Mason thought that was a great idea. They decided on salad and pasta.

What did they decide to make for dinner and who made the salad dressing? 

They made salad and pasta. Mason made the dressing


Derek wanted a dog for a long time. He asked his parents for a dog. His parents finally agreed and they went to an animal shelter. Derek saw a medium sized dog in one of the cages. He was shaggy and had big brown eyes. Derek said he wanted to meet him. The dog ran over to Derek and sat in front of him. He wagged his tail. Derek knew this was the right dog for him. Derek named him Happy.

What happened first?


We slept _____ our mom woke us up 

a. until

b. then 

c. if 

d. since

a. until


Derek wanted a dog for a long time. He asked his parents for a dog. His parents finally agreed and they went to an animal shelter. Derek saw a medium sized dog in one of the cages. He was shaggy and had big brown eyes. Derek said he wanted to meet him. The dog ran over to Derek and sat in front of him. He wagged his tail. Derek knew this was the right dog for him. Derek named him Happy.

Where did Derek's family go for a new dog?

They went to the animal shelter


Jaden was very excited. She was going to her grandparents' house for the weekend. On Saturday, they went to the beach. They went swimming in the lake. On Sunday, they took a hike. They stopped for pizza when they were done. When Jayden's mother came to pick her up, she didn't want to leave. Jayden's grandparents said "we will see you soon"

What happened in the middle of the story?


Benny was upset ____ he had lost his wallet 

a. but

b. since

c. while

d. although

b. since


Jaden was very excited. She was going to her grandparents' house for the weekend. On Saturday, they went to the beach. They went swimming in the lake. On Sunday, they took a hike. They stopped for pizza when they were done. When Jayden's mother came to pick her up, she didn't want to leave. Jayden's grandparents said "we will see you soon"

How did Jaden get to her grandparent's house?