Absolute Monarchs
Age of Exploration
Enlightenment/Scientific Rev.

Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer. He painted famous paintings like the Mona Lisa, and the Last Supper.

Who was Leonardo Di Vinci?


Dissatisfaction with King Louis XVI. Enlightenment Ideas. American Revolution. Food shortages and unfair taxes.

What were the causes of the French Revolution?


Introduced western ideas to Russia which made Russia stronger. Increased education by opening schools of art, science, and navigation. He imposed heavy taxes to pay for his huge army.

Who is Peter the Great?


Often regarded as the greatest admiral in Chinese history. He went, he distributed gifts which including silver and silk to show the prosperity of China. As a result, more than 16 countries sent tribute to the Ming court. 

Who is Zheng He?


English philosopher and founder of British empiricism; he developed political and economic theories during the Enlightenment.

Who was John Locke?


best known for his book, The Prince, written around 1513 but not published until 1532, five years after his death. an author, philosopher, and historian who lived during the Italian Renaissance.

Who was Machiavelli?


Was a rebellion and political movement. Initiated an ultimately successful war for independence. Ideas about liberty and equality helped inspire other revolutions and independence movements.

What was the American Revolution?


Known as the Sun King was King of France from 1643 until his death in 1715. His verified reign of 72 years.

Who is Louis XIV?


A small, fast Spanish/Portuguese sailing ship. Its speed, agility, durability, and cargo capacity made it the ideal ship for explorers, enabling them to venture further and discover more.

What are Caravels?


allowed them to share large amounts of information quickly and in huge numbers. Came known to be an insanely important invention. started to publish new books to get the philosophers own mathematics and science ideologies out to the public. mass production of papers, pamphlets, and books.  

What was the printing press?


A Renaissance cultural movement and revived interest in ancient Greek and Roman thought. Confirms that humans have the right to give value and mold their own lives. Was supported by many rich patrons.

What is Humanism?


This was a time when modern history changed economies and societies. Inventions such as spinning wheels, steam engines and railroads. Living conditions were challenging as the city got crowded with buildings, smoke, people, and filth.

What was the Industrial Revolution?


a political doctrine in defense of monarchical absolutism. It asserted that kings got their authority from God and they can be held accountable for their own actions by anything on earth for example parliament.

what was the Divine Right?


traded cotton, silk and linen textiles. Other products traded included tea, tobacco, lacquer ware, waxes, indigo dyes, salt, sugars, knives, swords, pottery, sake, paper and medicines. They controlled foreign trade through monopoly and specific allowances of trade to specific areas of Japan. 

Who were the Tokugawa?


French philosopher and author; he was a supporter of Deism, the idea that God was no longer involved with the universe after creating it. He also advocated a tolerant approach to religion.

Who was Voltaire?


Is the union of two or more cultures, beliefs, laws, languages. Urdu is an example of using a mixture of Arabic, Persian, and Turkish. Combined cultures during the Renaissance.

What is Cultural Blending?


Series of events that overthrew James II and VII in November 1688. He was replaced by his daughter Mary II and her husband, William III of Orange.

What is the Glorious Revolution?


He unified admins of government, a better education system, a central bank, law codes and a road and sewer system. Wanted to extend his authority throughout Europe. Forcing Austria, Prussia, and Russia to ally with him. 

Who was Napolean?


 was the military government of Japan during the Edo period from 1603 to 1868. They restored order and unity to Japan. Led up to very rapid economic growth and urbanization.

What was the Tokugawa Shogunate?


English mathematician and natural philosopher; he discovered the law of gravity as well as laws on the physics of objects.

Who was Isaac Newton?


Michelangelo's most-recognizable works, and has become one of the most recognizable statues in the entire world of art.

What is the statue David?


Enlightenment ideas, revolutions in other lands, and dissatisfaction with European rule. Napoleon's conquest of Spain in 1808 and placing his brother Joseph as king.

Causes of the Latin American Revolution?


King of England until his death in 1547. known for his six marriages. He expanded the territory and the wealth of Portugal. He started the age of exploration. He began the process of European colonization, capitalism, and the transatlantic slave trade.

Who was Henry VIII?


Portuguese navigator and explorer. Best known for planning and leading the 1519 Spanish expedition to the east indies across the Pacific Ocean to open a maritime trade route. He discovered the interoceanic passage thereafter bearing his name and achieve the first European navigation to Asia through the Pacific Ocean.

Who was Magellan?


French philosopher. Believe all people of people. Believed government was a agreement across many people.

Who was Jean-Jacques Rousseau?