Renaissance & Enlightenment
Important People

A revolution led by Robespierre, to gain more power for the citizens/people since they believed they had to little. At the end causing the execution of the royal family and inevitably the death of Robespierre to end it.

What is the French Revolution?


A European great power conflict caused by the death of Charles II of Spain who was childless.

What was the War of Spanish Succession?


The ideals of reason, liberty, fraternity, tolerance, and natural law.

What are Enlightenment beliefs?


King of France who expanded France's territory and power, improved the taxation system, and transformed the monarchy.

Who is Louis XIV?


He "discovered" the new world.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


A period where work change from an agricultural lifestyle to an urban lifestyle. There was an abundance of inventions and a massive increase in jobs, and population.

What is the Industrial Revolution?


A war between Spain, Portugal, and the UK against France which took place in the Iberian Peninsula.

What was the Peninsular War?


People who applied the idea of reason towards many areas of learning.

Who are Enlightenment philosophes?


Tsar of Russia who reformed and modernized Russia.

Who is Peter The Great?


A small sailing ship created by the Portuguese used for long voyages.

What is a Caravel?


Colonist rebelled against the British due to taxes, that the British imposed, and they won when the British surrendered to the French and the Continental armies in Yorktown.

What is the American Revolution?


A conflict between the Austrian Empire and the Kingdom of Prussia that resulted in German states shifting away from Austria and towards Prussia.

What was the Austro-Prussian War?


The process of different cultures merging with one another causing them to exchange ideas, beliefs, and customs.

What is cultural blending?


An Italian painter, draftsman, sculptor, architect, and engineer whose skill and intelligence represented the Renaissance humanist ideal.

Who is Leonardo Da Vinci?


Voyages by Christopher Columbus between the Americas, Europe, and Africa to exchange goods.

What is the Columbian Exchange?


A period where there was a drastic change in science and what people believed in started with the geocentric theory.

What is the Scientific Revolution?


A conflict between the Second French Empire and North German Confederation led by the Kingdom of Prussia.

What was the Franco-Prussian War?


An artistic, literary, and intellectual movement which rejected the rationalism of the Enlightenment trying to create strong emotions using love and nostalgia.

What is Romanticism?


An Italian Renaissance political philosopher and statesman, secretary of the Florentine republic who was reputed for being atheist and an immoral cynic.

Who is Machiavelli?


A powerful trading company created in 1602 which traded multiple spices. It's located Netherlands so they were able to trade with Asia, trading routes in Indian Ocean,and had it's own military, territorial and administrative power.

What is Dutch East India Company?


The British overthrowing King James II due to him crushing the rising of Protestantism.

What was the Glorious Revolution?


A conflict where Denmark fought against troops from Prussia and Austria representing the German Confederation.

What was the Second Schleswig War (Dano-Prussian War)?


A philosophy that stresses the importance of human factors rather than looking at religious, divine, or spiritual matters.

What is Humanism?


King of England who presided over the beginnings of the English Renaissance and English Reformation.

Who is Henry VIII?


He was known for leading 7 major expeditions throughout the Indian Ocean and along the coast of Africa.

Who is Zheng He?