This book tells the story of a man who became a rebel.
Fahrenheit 451
We're made from the blood of Uranus (ew)
The Furies
This is made using a dependent clause and an independent clause
What is a complex sentence?
We have some extra stuff and we are the parents of Uranus and Gaea
Who are the Hundred handed giants?
This is the most important part of an essay.
What is the thesis?
“It is not right if I am wrong. But if I am young, and right, what does my age matter?”
Who is Haemon?
The story of a ruthless couple who end up losing it all.
I barely show up in the play, but I kill myself after my son does.
these words - so, and , nor, but, yet and so are called
What are conjunctions?
Before anything there was just me.
What is Chaos?
If my essay has a good, respectful, counter argument this helps my....
What is ETHOS or credibility?
"Fair is foul, and foul is fair."
Who are the Witches?
This story is dystopian.
Fahrenehit 451
I'm the King, but then that dirty Macbeth kills me!
Name that sentence:
Everybody loves that guy; he's really a jerk.
what is COMPOUND
Hades told me not to look back, but I did anyway.
When pulling together a variety of sources for an argument or essay, I am...
What is synthesizing?
“That's the good part of dying; when you've nothing to lose, you run any risk you want.”
Who is Montag?
A tragedy where the main character is NOT the tragic hero.
I'm so handsome, I fall in love with my own reflection.
What is this
Water, an important resource for survival, is hard to come by during a drought.
What is an appositive phrase?
I preside over the seas, earthquakes, and randomly, horses.
Who is Poseidon?
I am Montag's boss.
Who is Captain Beatty?
"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under it."
Who is Lady Macbeth?
The main character of this story lost it all at the end, but it wasn't a tragedy.
Fahrenheit 451
I'm married to the fireman, I almost ODd.
Name that sentence
The graduation was held inside because it was supposed to rain, and many people were very upset.
I am the goddess of love and fertility.
Who is Aphrodite?
Goddess of the soul and wife of Eros
Who is Psyche?
"I will bury him myself. And even if I die in the act, that death will be a glory. I will lie with the one I love and loved by him—an outrage sacred to the gods!"
Who is Antigone?