Dogs are better than cats. True or False.
Tall animal with long neck
Music is relaxing. (Always, sometimes, or never)
Are cat memes funny?
Finsh the sentence:
Memes are "____."
I have 3 dogs. True or false.
False, I have 2 dogs.
Do Foxes laugh?
Is music is physically good for your heart?
Yes, it is healing.
Name the most popular dog meme.
Doge meme
What is the Newsies.
Broadway musical.
Hamsters are furless. True or false.
False: Why would you not get this?
free question
Don't Stop Me Now is by who?
Who is the Rickroll song by?
Rick Astley
Who is the teacher that has had pneumonia twice this year.
My favorite animal is a "____."
Wolf, fox, or dog. (Making it easier, any of them work)
What is a Vaquita. (Hint: Animal)
Rare species of porpoise.
Name the most popular One Republic song.
Counting Stars
A popular side eye meme has an pet in it, what is that pet? (Hint: in the meme's name)
Dog. (Side eye dog)
Kyrgyzstan is...
Country in the center of Asia.
The best One Republic song is...
The cross fox is a breed of fox that it the mixed fur coats of a red fox and a "___" fox.
The song with the longest title has 30 words. True or false
False, it's 29 words.
When was the first your mama joke made?
3500 BCE: Babylonian, was from a tablet.
The Earth is round.