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2015 was the year of a landmark case that made this kind of marriage legal in the USA.

What is gay marriage?


For helping hundreds of enslaved people escape, she had a bounty on her head that amounted to over half a million dollars. 

Who is Harriet Tubman?


One of the longest running shows on Broadway shares its name with that thing Ms. Kardan needs to pay  her landlord by the first of every month. At least hers is cheap. 

What is rent?

This language has the most speakers in the world. 

What is Mandarin?


This Portuguese superstar athlete has the most followers on Instagram. 

Who is Cristiano Ronaldo?


If you cannot afford it, the services of this person will be offered to you for free in the USA. However, they might not be good at their job. Ask Ms. Kardan to show at the station instead to defend you. 

What is a lawyer?


Martin Luther King's resting place is in this mecca for black history and culture. It's also the capital of the state of Georgia. 

What is Atlanta?

This team last won the World Series in 2009. 

Who are the New York Yankees?


Dyslexia is more prevalent in speakers of this language. Why wouldn't it be? They don't pronounce the end of every word. Au Revoir!

What is French?


Known (often controversially) as the King of Rock and Roll. Austin Butler played in a biopic recently. 

Who is Elvis Presley?


This country to the north is the second largest nation--and guarantees all of its citizens free healthcare. 

What is Canada?


Bennett Omalu raised the alarm on these brain injuries in football. 

What are concussions?


This building, named after its owner, and a short walk from Gateway, was once the permanent home of a former US president. A lot of protests are also regularly there. 

What is Trump Tower?

This language is the second most common native language--and the most studied in the USA. 
What is Spanish?

Marsha P. Johnson is credited with being a major part of the uprisings at this NYC bar known as the beginning of pride. 

What is Stonewall?


This small island country in Oceania was the first country to grant women the right to vote. 

What is New Zealand?


John Lewis helped plan protests across the country including one in this Deep South state that was governed by a man named George Wallace. 

What is Alabama?


Fortitude and Patience are the two lions that guard this place by Bryant Park. 

What is the NYPL?


This language boasts the largest vocabulary of any language in the world, mostly because its original speakers conquered so much of the world. 

What is English?


James Earl Jones famously voiced Mufasa in the Lion King and this "dark" guy from a hugely famous film franchise. Is he your father?

Who is Darth Vader?


Freedom of speech is one right granted to us in the first Amendment--what is another one?

Religion, petition, assembly, press. 


We watched the Central Park Five be interviewed by this multi-billionaire woman--her name sounds a lot like the kind of show you can watch at Lincoln Center. 

Who is Oprah Winfrey?


This is the only NYC borough that is not an island or a part of an island. 

What is the Bronx?


This country has 23 official languages including Malayalam and Tamil. 

What is India?


This former NYC mayor is immortalized in the name of an airport and a famous high school.

Who is Fiorello LaGuardia?