
What does "paterfamilias" mean?

Father of the family


What tool did Roman students use for writing?

Stylus-type pen on a wax tablet


In what ways did Ramses II contribute to a flourishing Egyptian civilization? 

Ramses II successfully expanded the Egyptian empire through military conquest and by making peace with former enemies. He also restored traditional Egyptian religion culture, solidified Egyptian borders, built monuments, and made Egypt rich.


What engineering feat allowed the Khmer Empire to survive and prosper?

An irrigation system.


How did the Qin Dynasty contribute to the unification of China?

Through military conquests


Which two rivers are essential to the development of the land known as the “Fertile Crescent"?

The Tigris and Euphrates Rivers


What was the primary way the Roman Republic limited power?

  • Political and legal categories like citizenship

In what ways was Cleopatra a historically significant political figure? 

Cleopatra was a historically significant figure because she was able to gain the throne against powerful opposition – and then regain it later. She was also able to hold off a Roman invasion and complete Roman control of Egypt until her death by twice partnering with Roman leaders and using their armies to her advantage.


How did disease impact the decline of the Maya civilization?

The disease can be developed and spread quickly, resulting in large numbers of deaths. The virus infected the Maya’s maize crops, leading to a collapse of the food supply.


.What was one of the factors that led to the Hundred Years’ War betweenFrance and England?

Dispute over succession to the French throne


What are the four critical elements to the rise of an early civilization mentioned in the text?

favorable geographic location

effective political and social structure

common religion

abundant food and natural resources


What did the concept of "Civitas" determine in the Roman Republic?

The legal and political status of the people


Why don’t we have any text written by Socrates? 

Socrates didn’t write down any of his own philosophies. The vast majority of what we know about Socrates comes from the writings of his student Plato.


What role did trade routes play in the prosperity and decline of Petra?

As a city that relies on trade to develop its economy, the passage of trade routes and the status of trade centers are very important. Without trade routes, Petra would have to decline.


How did the Peloponnesian War impact ancient Greece?

It weakened Athens and contributed to its decline


 What are the six factors that make a civilization last?

lasting cultural contribution

political influence

economic dominance

geographic and political expansion

developments in science and technology

written language


What is the difference between formal and informal education?

Formal education takes place in educational settings like schools, while informal education occurs outside such settings, often through everyday experiences like learning from family or friends.


What was the Academy? 

Founded by Plato, the Academy was the first institution for higher learning in the Western world


How did the Black Death change the world? Jot down as many impacts as you can.

It caused a labour shortage and wages increased.

Distrust of the church grew as people realized religion could do nothing to stop the disease.

Increased anti-Semitism among Europeans.


How did foreign invasion contribute to the declineof ancient Egypt?

lt forced the end of ancient Egyptian culture.


How do you think that the Silk Route affected the Chinese economy?

The Silk Route led to early forms of trade and the practice of buying and selling goods. The buying and selling of goods with outside partners along the Silk Route established trade as part of the Chinese economy and strengthened the empire.


How did the Byzantine Empire integrate religion into its governance?

Constantine the Great, created the capital city of Constantinople. He brought with him Christianity, which became the city’s predominant religion during the fourth century CE. The Byzantine Empire was a theocratic Christian state that combined the worldly powers of its emperors with the near-supreme spiritual authority of the Christian church


What famous Macedonian leader was a student of Aristotle’s? 

Alexander the Great.


State the interconnectedness of economic, political, and environmental factors in shaping the fate of ancient civilizations.

Disease, population issues, and natural weather occurrences can foster instability, which can lead to economic struggles and shifts. These in turn may lead to war and invasion. In short, the interplay of various factors – some more important than others – results in the toppling of great empires.


What were some of the factors that contributed to the decline of ancient Egypt as a result of foreign invasion?

Repeated military invasions and wars, economic exploitation, cultural invasions...