PA Standards
OM Standards
HR Standards
TR Standards

When only 1 lifeguard is on duty, what is the maximum number of people allowed in the pool?

25 people


What do you do if a camper is missing?

  1. Determine when and where the camper was last seen. Stay calm so you don’t frighten the other campers.

  2. Discover (if possible) the state of mind of the camper. Was she depressed or angry, threatening to run away? Did he fall behind on a hike, or leave to visit a friend in another group? Was she hungry, tired, or sick? A camper who does not wish to be found will require a wider and more careful search.

  3. Do a search of the immediate area with available staff. (The camper may have wandered to the edge of the activity.) Ask nearby campers and staff if they have seen or know where the camper is. Before leaving the rest of the group to find a camper, see that the campers are supervised by another staff member.

  4. Check any known accomplices. (Friends in other cabins, etc.)

  5. Check bathrooms, dining hall, the cabin, and a friend’s cabin.

  6. Contact the Leadership Team about the situation. Include the name of the missing camper, when and where last seen, description of child: age, race, hair, weight, height, and, as close as possible, clothing. The Leadership Team will organize an extended search. If the camper is not found in 20 minutes, the camper will be presumed lost. The Leadership Team will institute a public search that will include contacting the sheriff’s department and the camper’s parents.

  7. Do not ignore the remaining campers. Be calm and positive. Acknowledge their fears and move on to some activity.

  8. Complete an incident report and any other reports requested.


What is the rule of three?

In general, anytime a staff member is out of sight of others, there should be a combination of 3 persons present (2 staff and 1 camper or 1 staff and 2 campers). At no time should a staff member be alone with a camper in a cabin, bathroom, the bathhouse, boathouse, office, on a hike, or in any other place where they are not visible by other people.


What is the maximum number of people that can ride on the tractor at any given time?



Describe the best way to monitor the bathroom.

Make sure only one person goes in at a time. Stand by the door.


Who has to wear a PFD on the lake?

All participants including staff must wear pfds


What should you do in case of an intruder?

1. WESTI the stranger. If you are comfortable doing so, introduce yourself and ask the stranger who they are and why they are here.
2. Be polite. Give assistance if possible.
3. All strangers should be referred to the camp office for a visitors badge. If you are able, escort the stranger to the office yourself. Otherwise, use the Relay to notify the Leadership Team that you are sending a stranger to the office, and note your location.

4. If necessary, notify the stranger that camp is private property and not open to the public. Ask them politely to leave. Observe to ascertain that the person actually leaves the camp.

If the appearance of the unfamiliar person makes you uncomfortable, contact the Leadership Team member on call who will take appropriate action and notify other staff as necessary. Someone should stay with the campers away from the situation.

If the person seems threatening in any way, do not approach or take any chances. Remove yourselves and the campers from the area, notify the Leadership Team immediately, and observe the whereabouts of the person.

If you see or suspect an intruder in camp at night, immediately and quietly notify the Leadership Team. Check all camper sleeping areas with a head count. In order to prevent false alarms and unnecessary fright, all camp personnel will carry flashlights and identify themselves when walking in the camp at night.

If a child encounters an unfamiliar person, real or imagined, never tell the child that “it really wasn’t anything,” “there is no need to be afraid,” or “it was just your imagination.” Frightened children need to be allowed to experience their fear, to know that it is okay to be afraid, and to talk about their experience.

If you are off camp property, keep a staff member with the campers while another staff member goes to notify a park ranger or law-enforcement officer if someone seems to be behaving suspiciously or inappropriately around your area.

Notify the Leadership Team immediately of any intruders. Complete an incident report and any other reports requested.


When should you address bullying?

At the first sign of it


Describe the counselors role at day camp check-in every morning

Stay in there area, meet there kids, and play get to know you games


What is the purpose of Home in the Woods?

is to create an intentional small
group time when each cabin can explore nature, strengthen
friendships and bond with one another. It is also our hope that the
campers will learn outdoor living skills, such as cooking over a fire. By participating in HIW, campers will grow in independence, confidence, self-esteem and build an appreciation for nature. Each Thursday morning, upon the campers return to camp, many have a great sense of accomplishment from having successfully completed their night in the woods.


 Does a lifeguard have to be on duty if only staff are swimming?

Yes at both the pool and lake


What are the best locations to go at camp in case of a tornado?

Any place without windows. Go to the center of an interior room on the lowest level (closet, interior hallway) away from corners, windows, doors, and outside walls. Put as many walls as possible between you and the outside. Get under a sturdy table and use your arms to protect your head and neck. Do not open windows.


Name two appropriate methods of addressing inappropriate camper behavior.

Natural consequences are the experiences that naturally follow a choice or behavior. For example, going out in cold weather without a coat naturally leads to feeling cold.

Restitution - finding a way to “make it better”


When should seatbelts be worn on camp vehicles?

Anytime when in a vehicle


 Name three ways to combat Homesickness.

Talk to the campers, make the cabin more like home, write letters home, make a calendar of the week and all the fun things they are going to do, distract and keep them busy, delay, bring them to a leadership team member


Once lightning is heard, how long should you wait to get the campers out of the water?

30 mins


Where should staff and campers assemble in case of a fire at camp?

Fire emergency rally point – the pecan tree - or some other designated location.


Name the camper to staff ratios for all three age groups.

Under 5-years-old campers (Pollywogs)


6- to 8-year-old campers (Mudpuppies)


9- to 14-year-old campers (Waterdogs & Duskies)


15- to 18-year-old campers (High School)



On Sunday afternoon, what is the location of the very first greeter that parents/campers will encounter?

At the gate of the camp by Nick's house


What time does your night off start?



What does PFD stand for?

Personal Flotation Device 


If you need the nurse to run to a serious accident or injury, what specific phrase should you use over the walkie talkies?

I need immediate assistance or Code 9


DOUBLE JEOPARDY – Name 8 socially sensitive issues to be mindful of when talking to campers. 

Diversity, different Abilities, smoking, drugs, alcohol, family structure/divorce, human sexuality and gender identification 


After a vehicular accident, at what point should you contact the camper’s parents?

Never it is the job of the Leadership team to contact the parents


What year was Chestnut Ridge founded?