Context Clues
Main Idea
Figurative Language
Phonological Awareness or Processing

 Steven handed his report card to his mother. He looked worried. He carefully watched his mother look at the piece of paper. She smiled as she looked at the grades and Steven felt relieved.

What kind of grades did Steve have?

good grades 


How can you figure out the meaning of a word? Two ways

Context clues or dictionary


Have you ever stood beside a monster truck? If you have, you know just how massive these vehicles are. Monster trucks are typically about 11 feet tall and 12 feet wide. Although they have a body that looks like a huge pickup truck, they are actually more closely related to a four-wheel-drive-dune buggy. The front wheels are controlled by a steering wheel, while the back wheels are managed by a toggle switch. Monster trucks are equipped with harnesses, helmets and head/neck restraints to keep the driver safe. 

Monster trucks are designed to have certain features. 


When Stacy was about to go on stage, her friend told her "Go break a leg".

Good luck


Tell me three words that rhyme with cat.

Or  One picture- three structure words

Hat, mat, sat, bat, rat


Sam opened the garage and cleared out all the stuff around his bike. He took it out and rode down the street. Sam was only gone for two minutes when the accident happened. He made it back to his house and put some bandages on the scratches on his leg.

How did Sam get hurt?

Fell off his bike 


Using certain body language is illicit in some countries, but allowed in others. 

In this sentence, the word illicit means ?

a. dumb b. forbidden c. cool d. awkward



The first potato chips were invented in 1853 in a New York hotel kitchen by Chef George Crum. When he invented them, he hoped that they would tase bad. You see, he was irritated with a cranky guest who had complained that Crum's potatoes were too soggy, thick and bland. The guest had requested that Crum make him a new batch. Chef Crum wanted to "teach the guest a lesson" about insulting the chef, so he make a batch that was paper-thin, overcooked and over-salted. To his surprise, the diner loved the second batch! Word spread quickly and potato chips became a very popular snack. 

Chef George Crum invented the potato chips when he was trying to insult a picky diner. 


I went the whole 9 yards for my Halloween costume. What does whole 9 yards mean?

Did everything possible to make a great costume.


Do these words rhyme? Explain your answer.

Flight              Write

Or one picture all structure words

Yes, ending sounds sound alike. 


The family packed their suitcases the night before their trip. Everyone packed thermal pants, sweaters, hats, and gloves. The kids asked if they can bring their favorite sled.

What kind of place are they going?

A ski resort 


I remember when Buddy was a puppy. He would frolic in the park, chasing rabbits, Frisbees or anything else that caught his attention. What does frolic mean? 

a. sleep   b. eat   c. play   d. fight



Stories of ancient Egypt have survived for thousands of years. One reason we know so much about their civilization 4000 years later is because of the mummies they preserved so carefully. A mummy is the body of a person that has been preserved after death. Egyptians believed that if they preserved their bodies, they could use them in the afterlife, where they would journey to another world to lead a new life. They also believed that they would need all of the things they had when they were alive, so their tombs were packed with their belongings. When these tombs were discovered, they were filled with artifacts that told us stories about life in ancient Egypt. 

Egyptian mummies and their tombs have provided us with clues about life in ancient Egypt. 


I woke up feeling under the weather.  What does under the weather mean?

Sick.  Not feeling well. 


Take away a letter or add a letter from these four words and make a new word. 

cake        feel

need       mean 

Or one picture all structure words



As James woke up, his eyes averted to the empty bed next to his. Even though he thought he'd be happy to finally have the whole room to himself, he couldn't help thinking about Harry the first thing in the morning. Although the college wasn't that far and he could always contact him, he still felt a void in the room. He got up and dressed for the day. Not forgetting to take his watch before leaving, he opened the dresser. There was Harry's watch that James had loved along with a note addressed to him, "I know you always liked it, so now it's yours. Don't mess up our room too much!". As James read the note, a big grin appeared on his face.

What is James and Harry's relationship? 



Some people feel perplexed by brain teasers, while others figure them out quickly. 

Using the comparison clue, the word perplexed in this sentence means?

a. troubled or confused b. at ease c. calm d. relaxed

troubled or confused 


There are over a million words in the English language, and some of them have origins that might surprise you! For instance, the word "disaster" originated in Greece. In Greek, "dis" means "bad" and "aster" means "star." What does "bad star" have to do with the word "disaster?" Well, the ancient Greeks used to blame unfortunate events on unfavorable positions of the planets. "Muscle" is another interesting word. It is derived from a Latin root meaning "little mouse" because people used to think muscles looked like little mice under the skin.

It can be interested to discover unusual word origins. 


When I was yelling at my brother, my Mom told me "Keep your shirt on!"

Calm down


Make two new words and rhyme them

One picture removed all structure



Cynthia and four of her friends have a fun week planned for their winter break. They plan to go site seeing around New England. Cynthia planned the trip and everyone seemed ecstatic about visiting many landmarks. Even though Brittany said she was looking forward to the trip, there was something she wasn't saying. The week before the break, everyone went over to Cynthia's house to look at pictures and videos of all of the places they planned to go on their trip. Some of the places included the Empire State Building, Mount Washington, and the Statue of Liberty. They even planned to go on a hot air balloon ride. When they were watching a video of people looking out at the expansive view from the top of the Empire State Building, Brittany felt a lump in her throat. She tried to show her friends she was enthusiastic, but she began to sweat and her heart was pounding at just the thought of being there. She also held back from saying anything when her friends pulled up a video of the hot air balloon ride they planned to do.

How does Brittany feel about the trip? 

She is worried because she is afraid of heights


The sweltering weather made the outdoor wedding quite uncomfortable. Guests made paper fans from the wedding programs, but they provided very little relief.

What does sweltering mean?

a. freezing   b. windy   c. raining  d. hot  



Penny licks were popular ice cream treats sold by street vendors in the mid to late 19th century. Buyers would pay one penny to be given a tiny serving of ice-cream in a special glass container. No spoons were used; buyers simply licked the glass dish clean and returned it to the vendor, who reuse it. This obviously raised health concerns, and penny licks were banned in London in 1899. However, they were used in the United Sttates into the 20th century, until the ice cream cones became popular after the World's Fair in 1904. 

Penny licks were used to serve ice-cream before the cone was invented. 


When my sister's fiance and parents came over to meet our family, she bent over backwards.

Put a lot of effort towards something. 

Take three words, change them and then rhyme each

Picture removed all structure words
