Famous Michael's

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is associated with this element, symbolizing passion, energy, and initiative.

What is fire?


This masked serial killer, made his first appearance in the 1978 film "Halloween."

Who is Michael Myers?


This popular fruit, often associated with Valentine's Day, is typically red and heart-shaped.

What is strawberries ?


An animated musical film about a young lion prince who must confront his past and embrace his role as king after the death of his father.

What is The Lion King ?


This pop icon, known as the "King of Pop," revolutionized the music industry with hits like "Thriller" and "Billie Jean. 

Who is Michael Jackson?


The traditional birthstone for April, this precious gem is known for its brilliance, clarity, and durability, symbolizing love, strength, and eternity.

 What is a diamond?


This space agency launched the Pioneer Venus program in 1978, sending two spacecraft to study Venus' atmosphere, surface, and magnetic field.

What is NASA?


This iconic fashion designer is known for his signature red-soled shoes, which have become a symbol of luxury and glamour.

Who is Christian Louboutin?


In this heartwarming Pixar film, a widowed father embarks on an adventure with his son, meeting memorable characters like Dory and Marlin along the way.

What is "Finding Nemo"?


This retired basketball legend, known as "His Airness," won six NBA championships with the Chicago Bulls and is widely regarded as one of the greatest basketball players of all time.

Who is Michael Jordan ? 


The symbol for Aries is based on the horns of this animal, which represents strength and determination.

What is a ram?


This musical film starring John Travolta became a cultural phenomenon in 1978, popularizing disco music and dance. 

What is "Saturday Night Fever"?


This American retail giant, known for its red bullseye logo, offers a wide range of products including electronics, home goods, and groceries.

What is Target?


A supervillain with a heart of gold, learns the true meaning of family when he adopts three young girls as part of his plan to steal the moon, ultimately becoming a loving father figure to them.

What is Despicable Me ?


This former mayor of New York City gained national attention for his leadership during the aftermath of the September 11 attacks.

Who is Michael Bloomberg? 


Aries is the astrological sign that falls under these months of the calendar year.

What are March and April?


This legendary boxer won the World Heavyweight Championship for the third time in 1978 by defeating Leon Spinks in a rematch.

Who is Muhammad Ali?


This spicy condiment, made from red peppers, vinegar, and salt, is often used to add heat and flavor to dishes.

What is hot sauce?


A comedy film starring Robin Williams as a father who disguises himself as a British nanny in order to spend time with his children after a divorce. 

What is Mrs. Doubtfire? 


This beloved actor rose to fame playing Alex P. Keaton on "Family Ties" before starring as Marty McFly in the "Back to the Future" trilogy.

 Who is Michael J. Fox


Aries is ruled by this planet, which is associated with passion, energy, and assertiveness .

What is Mars?


This British singer-songwriter released his fifth studio album "Some Girls" with his band, The Rolling Stones, in 1978, featuring hits like "Miss You" and "Beast of Burden."

Who is Mick Jagger?


This iconic bridge, located in San Francisco, is often referred to by its nickname due to its distinctive red color.

What is the Golden Gate Bridge?


 A classic crime film about the Corleone crime family, with Marlon Brando starring as the patriarch, Vito Corleone.

What is The Godfather ?


This actor portrayed Batman in two live-action films directed by Tim Burton: "Batman" (1989) and "Batman Returns" (1992). 

Who is Michael Keaton ?