What was the primary diagnosis that kept Lily in the NICU?
What childhood disease took the twins to the hospital at least twice each?
What grade were the twins in when Covid hit and they had to finish the year online?
Name at least four of Lily's most prominent hobbies/interests.
Guitar, painting, puzzles, puzzle books, cooking, baking.
Creative Workshop, Cracker Barrel
Within three days, name the twins' actual due date.
July 5
What was the most frequent reason the twins were put on antibiotics as young children?
Ear infections
Why did Mom and Dad switch around the names given to each twin at the last minute?
Lily was pale and fragile and we thought the name suited her better.
If Lily could elect any current senator president, who would it be?
Bernie Sanders
Name at least three languages Emma has studied or has talked about/planned to study seriously (other than English).
Spanish, Arabic, Persian, Russian
What phenomenon (TTTS for short) caused Emma to be red and Lily to be white?
Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome
What eye condition did both twins have as babies that required specialized treatment at Hopkins?
Lazy eye (strabismus)
Name at least two characteristics of the twins that make them "mirror image" twins.
What caused Lily to have voice therapy twice in her youth?
Vocal nodules
What conservative talk show host did Emma listen to devotedly a couple years ago?
Ben Shapiro
Why did the doctor recommend a C-section after Lily was born and before Emma was born?
Emma's arm was blocking her exit.
Name at least two of Lily's psychiatric diagnoses!
ADHD, OCD, anxiety, (auditory processing)
Why are the twins specifially named Emma and Lillian?
Emma for Mom's favorite Jane Austen novel - Lily not Elizabeth like Mom wanted for her second favorite heroine, so dad picked. He liked the old-fashioned sound of Lillian.
What was the first college Lily talked often about going to, starting in ninth grade?
What pop star does Emma not feel embarrassed for liking but should?
Taylor Swift
What went wrong with the birth that caused Missy to need surgery a few weeks later?
Some of the placenta was still left behind.
What strange phenomenon happened to Emma when she had a very high fever as a toddler?
Lost a lot of hair. (Would also accept had a "febrile seizure)
Who was "Twin A" and who was "Twin B"?
Twin A = Lily, Twin B = Emma
What does Lily plan to do with her college degree?
Work at a nonprofit.
Identify the body part and story behind one of Emma's two broken bones.
Toe - tree trunk while running
Pinky - gymnastics