Life Problems
Problem Solving Steps
Tips and Techniques
Recovery Challenges
Willingness and Change

What common reaction do people in active addiction have towards their problems?

They try to ignore their problems.


What is the first step in problem solving according to the session?

Identify your problems—one at a time.


Why is it important to prioritize problems?

To manage problems effectively without feeling overwhelmed.


What might people in recovery exaggerate about their problems?

The severity of their problems.


Why is a willingness to believe in solutions important?

It fosters hope and motivation to solve problems.


Why might people in early sobriety have trouble dealing with problems?

They are focusing on staying sober, may have trouble concentrating, or a short attention span.


What does it mean to "own the problem"?

Understanding how the problem started, which behaviors contributed to it, and being willing to change.


How can big problems be managed more easily?

By breaking them into manageable pieces.


Name one common emotional response to problems in early recovery.

Feeling overwhelmed.


How can making changes in yourself help solve problems?

It can prevent the problem from recurring and improve your ability to handle similar issues in the future.


What role does willingness play in finding solutions to problems?

Willingness is crucial to recognizing and addressing problems effectively.


Why is it important to list all possible solutions?

To consider new approaches and solutions that have not been tried before.


What should you do when you get stuck on a problem?

Brainstorm possible solutions and seek help from others.


What can feeling guilt and shame about problems lead to?

Using problems as an excuse for relapse.


Why should problems not be avoided or exaggerated?

Avoiding problems can make them worse, and exaggerating them can make them seem impossible to manage.


How does addiction affect a person's thinking about their problems?

Addiction causes distorted thinking


What should you consider when describing potential outcomes of solutions?

Short- and long-term objectives and how each solution meets those objectives.


How can weighing the benefits and risks help in problem solving?

It helps in making informed decisions about which solutions to implement.


Why might new problems develop during recovery?

Due to the challenges and changes associated with staying sober.


How does having a balanced approach to problems help in recovery?

It ensures problems are addressed without becoming overwhelming.


List two ways addiction causes people to ignore their problems.

1. Denial and mental distortions caused by drugs. 

2. The main priority becomes getting and using drugs.


What is a crucial aspect of making a plan to solve a problem?

Sticking to the plan and having a backup plan if necessary.


What is the benefit of asking for help with problems?

It provides additional perspectives and support, which can improve problem-solving skills.


What is a healthier way to deal with a bill you cannot pay instead of ignoring it?

Call the business, arrange help, or make a small token payment.


What should you do if a problem-solving approach keeps failing?

Stop and try another approach, learning from past outcomes.