Thermal Energy
Populations and Resources
Matter and Energy

Does a moving skateboard have energy?

Yes, because it has kinetic energy.


Which statement is true based on this model?

Before the layers touch, the outer layer is hotter than the inner layer. Once the layers are touching, the outer layer will transfer kinetic energy to the molecules in the cooler inner layer until both layers reach the same temperature, which will be in between their starting temperatures. 

Before the layers touch, the outer layer is hotter than the inner layer. Once the layers are touching, the cooler inner layer will gain kinetic energy until the molecules of both layers have an energy of 90, because hotter things increase the temperature of cooler things


What do mammals like tigers and zebras need energy for?



The sun has been up for several hours, and it has been shining on these trees. What can the trees do because they are in the sunlight? What does this mean for the number of energy storage molecules in the trees?

take in carbon from the air. The carbon is used to make energy storage molecules.


What are my kids’ names?

Cohen: Dylan, Macie

Garfinkel: Jillian, Paul


Does food have energy and why?

Yes because it helps people MOVE or CHANGE


In some places, hot water from underground can shoot up into the air through a hole in the ground. When this happens, the ground surrounding the water increases in temperature. What happens to the molecules in the ground when the temperature of the ground increases?

The energy of the molecules in the ground increases.


Then the grasshopper population decreased suddenly. What will likely happen to the size of the rat population as a result?

decrease. The smaller grasshopper population provides fewer energy storage molecules for the rat population, so the rat population will reproduce less. This will lead to fewer births than deaths in the rat population.


 Lily has an aquarium with water, plants, and fish that eat the plants. The aquarium is sealed so no material can get in or out, and has glass sides that allow light to come in. The aquarium can also be covered to prevent light from entering. The number of energy storage molecules in the plants and fish started out low, but that number has been increasing over time. Has the aquarium been in sunlight or has it been covered during this time? What has happened to the carbon in the water?

The aquarium has been in sunlight, and there is less carbon in the water.


What is Steinway Street named after?

The piano company


True or False

Potential energy and kinetic energy work in tandem. When the kinetic energy of an object increases its potential energy decreases.



Lin cooked a pot of soup, then put half the soup in the freezer for a while. Now the soup in the pot is hot, and the soup in the freezer is cold. What is the difference between the molecules of the soup in the pot and the molecules of the soup in the freezer?

The molecules of the soup in the pot are moving faster than the molecules of the soup in the freezer.


The sizes of the populations have been stable for the last 10 years, but recently the size of the aphid population decreased. What will likely happen to the anteater population?

decrease. Fewer energy storage molecules will be available to the anteater population from the smaller ant population, so the anteater population will reproduce less. This will lead to fewer births than deaths in the anteater population.


This sea grass has had the sun shining on it for most of the day. What can the sea grass do because it is in sunlight? What does this mean for the number of energy storage molecules in the sea grass?

take in carbon from the air. The carbon is used to make energy storage molecules.


Who is the current president of the United States?

Joe Biden


The rescue workers best choice to transfer energy to their flashlights was….

A handcrank


True or False: Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of particles of matter. The relationship between the temperature and the total energy of a system depends on the types, states, and amounts of matter present.



 A population of sharks lives in the Atlantic Ocean. Over the last 50 years, the size of the shark population increased. What best explains the increase in the size of the shark population?

More sharks were born than died.


Scientists are studying photosynthesis in a forest ecosystem that has plants, animals, and decomposers (which consume dead things). Which group or groups of organisms in the forest carry out photosynthesis?

All organisms


Name one CASEL-5 component

self awareness

self management

responsible decision making

relationship skills

social awareness


The difference between transfer and convert is…

Transfer is energy moving from one place to another.

Convert is when energy changes from one form to another.


Which heating system was better for Riverdale School and why?

The larger cooler tank, because it as a higher total kinetic energy to spread out across all air molecules.


Why did the moon jellies increase?

An increase in zooplankton and a decrease in walleye pollock.


Why did Biodome 2 fail?

They buried their dead matter in plastic bags and trapped the carbon.

They did not bring worms to release carbon into the ecosystem.


Who is the current VP of the United States?

Kamala Harris