The Middle Ages
The Renaissance
The Enlightenment
The Victorian Age

What battle took place in 1066 and who led it?

The battle of Hastings - William the conquerer


What does the the word Renaissance mean?



Explain briefly what this period is about...

Rational thinking and scientific studies, writing as a profession. People are born equal. Writers used irony and satire when writing to ridicule those in power and to point out wrong/bad things in society.


What happened during the Romantic Age regarding Literature?

Poetry became a popular genre alongside the gothic and historical novel


Mention one important historical event  that took place during this period

The civil war, the abolition of slavery

telegraph, telephone and camera were invented


Which cultures have influenced England?

Germanic tribes, Roman culture, French Culture, The vikings


Shortly explain the development of the theatre and name one famous theatre. 

During the Renaissance theatre was established as its own institution and it was now available to the public (not only the court) The Globe


What features were the main topics of international politics?

Slave trade and colonialism


Mention Mary Shelley's famous work



Who was Charles Dickens and what were his novels often about?

A realist writer interested in everyday life in London. Criticised old social institutions using wit and humour, how unfairly wealth was distributed in society, hardship of children


What are heroic poems and how were they shared?

Share orally by people singing and travelling around telling stories about brave war heroes and their tragic fates


What is a Sonnet?

A form of poetry originating from Italy, with a specific rhyme pattern, English Sonnet = Shakespearean Sonnet - 14 lines (the two last lines rhyme with each other)


The novel emerged as a literary genre during the 17th century, mention what many consider to be the first European novel.... and its author

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes


What was Edgar Allan Poe's work The fall of the house of Uscher generally about?

It explores the darkness of the human soul - psychological twists


Double or nothing

What is Walt Whitman's most famous work called?

Leaves of grass


Double or nothing

Which countries did Beowulf protect from monsters and dragons?

Sweden and Denmark


Shakespeare's plays are dividided into the following categories.....

History plays, Comedies and tragedies


Double or nothing

Mention a novel by Daniel Defoe and Samuel Richardson

Robinson Crusoe, Pamela or Virtue rewarded

Double or nothing

Who was William Blake and what did he write about?

A poet who wrote about the misery of children forced to work in horrific conditions


Who was Oscar Wilde and what were works plays often about

Irish poet and playwright. He wrote satires on the way people behave and think, the importance of marriage and stereotypes in society, moral hypocrisy - people marry for money and security not for love


Mention a famous author from the period and one notable work from the period (doesn't have to be a work of the author mentioned)

Geoffrey Chaucer (the knight's tale, The canterbury tales


Knights of the round table, The legends of King Arthur, by sir Thomas Malory


Double or nothing :)

Shakespeare's plays were often written in blank verse - what is meant by that?

Unrhymed but rhythmic verse (Blank verse is poetry written with regular metrical but unrhymed lines, usually in iambic pentameter (10 syllables) )


Who was Aphra Behn, also mention her political novel

First professional woman writer who wrote Oronooko or The Royal Slave


Mention a famous novel by Sir Walter Scott and Jane Austin


Pride and prejudice, sense and sensibility


Who wrote Jane Eyre

Charlotte Brontë