It's A Cold, Cold War
Commander-in-chief during these major events
Our Civil Rights
Economic and Social Happenings post-Civil War
Positive Effects of the 2 World Wars in the U.S.

The Wall was destroyed in this city symbolically resulting in the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1989.

What is Berlin?


The Bay of Pigs & the Cuban Missile Crisis

Who was John F. Kennedy?


This prolific figure presented the historic 'I Have A Dream' speech at The March on Washington on August 28, 1963.

Who is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.?


This was put into effect on January 17, 1920 through the 18th Amendment to ban alcohol. 

What is Prohibition?


The name of the peacekeeping organization which was created in 1945 immediately after World War II.

What is the United Nations?


This United States Senator created the House Un-American Activities Committee to 'expose' communism within American society.

Who was Joseph McCarthy?


The Civil Rights Act.

Who was Lyndon B. Johnson?


The Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court case did this pertaining to schools.

What is integrate?

or Desegregate


This map of the Federal Highway System resulted in a major growth of these areas around the United States..

What are the Suburbs?


When Southern Black people moved up to the Northern cities like New York City and Chicago.

What was The Great Migration?


Two alliances formed during the Cold War representing countries that were for against Communism and countries that were for Communism

What are NATO and Warsaw Pact?


President during part of the Progressive era, WW1 and made a speech called "Fourteen Points"

Who was Woodrow Wilson?


This supreme court case forced Japanese Americans from their homes during WW2, due to fear of spies

What is Korematsu vs. United States?


President Bill Clinton was an important player in passing this agreement facilitating lower tariffs and easier trades with Mexico and Canada.

What is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?


The two nicknames that represented the decade which followed World War I as America experienced a major increase in the economy, technology and the arts. 

What was the 'Roaring 20s' and the 'Boom Years'?


What were two examples of proxy wars during the Cold War?

What are the Korean War and Vietnam War


The dropping of the Atomic Bomb on Hiroshima and then Nagasaki, both cities are in Japan.

Who was Harry Truman?


These two distinguished Black intellectuals had very different views on Blacks' professional roles in society.

Who are Booker T. Washington & W.E.B. Dubois?


Unions were established to bargain for better work conditions and treatment through this. 

What is collective bargaining?


The generation born immediately following World War II, which was part of increased families around the United States.

What are Baby Boomers?


Concern for this effect is the reason why President Lyndon Johnson increased the number of U.S. troops to Vietnam. 

What is the Domino Effect?


New Deal programs to address the Great Depression and the majority of WW2

Who was Franklin D. Roosevelt?


This Supreme Court case upheld racial segregation laws in 1898.

What was Plessy v. Ferguson?


Upton Sinclair wrote this impactful book documenting the unhealthy food being purchased by consumers, including rats and other rodents being mixed into meat being packaged and sold.

What is 'The Jungle'?


This prolific figure represented feminism and the labor empowerment of women in the U.S. during World War II.

Who was Rosie The Riveter?