First Quarter
Second Quarter
Third Quarter
Fourth Quarter
High School

This first year teacher is known for organizing the talent show, establishing the GSA, and wearing snappy clothing on spirit day.

Who is Teacher Leah?


Mr. Lancaster had difficulty writing on the white board because he broke this body part at the start of the second quarter.

What is the collar bone?


Ms. Luck is obsessed with this famous pop star who toured the world last year making billions of dollars.

Who is Taylor Swift?


This beloved veteran teacher was disturbed when his "Medusa Cat" plushie turned up missing along with a ransom note.

Who is Mr. Adamski?


This poet compared a rose to people who are growing up in a bad environment.

Who is Tupac Shakur?


This activity is something that all of the language arts teachers you have ever had hope you continue to do for the rest of your lives!

What is "read books?"


Research has found that students who do this silent activity for 20 to 30 minutes will show growth on reading tests.

What is reading workshop?


Readers build this skill by timing how long they can read without getting distracted.

What is the attention span? (stamina also accepted)


This hand written document about reading helps people remember important parts of books long after they have finished reading a book.

What is a reading log?


This reading strategy involves people who are reading the same book gathering in order discuss their thoughts about the story.

What is a lit circle?


This word with a "z" in it means almost the same thing as "paragraph," but it is used to describe a group of lines separated with a space in poetry.

What is a "stanza"?


This is the number of minutes students at RHS have to walk from one class to the next.

What is eight minutes?


This body part is in the name of a spooky short story we read together as a class.

What is "The Tell Tale Heart?"


This survey taken during the second quarter helps you better understand your own strengths and skills in school and in your life.

What is the multiple intelligence survey?


A good summary of something you read includes each of these three things.

What is the title, author, and main points?


You know you are reading this type of perspective when the author uses "I," "me," "my" as the voice for the narrator of the story. 

What is first person perspective?


The two words that rhyme in these lines make up this type of rhyme.

    Maybe it just sags 

    like a heavy load.

    Or does it explode?

What is an end rhyme?


This high school mascot is shares the name of the football team with this logo:

What is "The Raiders?"


This project completed a the beginning of the year helped us learn about each other by cutting out pictures from magazines.

What is the head collage?


This strategy is used by authors to make readers see, hear, touch, taste, or smell something as you read their story.

What is imagery?


This sentence summarizes the story, "The Monkey's Paw."

(Extended time allowed for research of the correct answer)

What is: "'The Monkey's Paw,' written by W.W. Jacobs, is about a family that suffers from a cursed monkey paw."?


The book titled, "The Giver," takes place in this type of imperfect society.

What is a dystopia?


This college-educated poet of the 1920's inspired generations of African Americans including civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr.

Who is Langston Hughes?


In addition to core classes (math / language arts / social studies), students are allowed to take these career-earning classes while in high school.

What are CTE courses?

Alternate answers: college courses, or names of programs.


This latin root word is related to this picture:

What is astro- ?


This theme is common in superhero movies, or any story that follows the "hero's journey."

What is good triumphs over evil?


This perfect type of society has solved all of the problems of our modern world, while keeping things we love like free will and self expression.

What is utopia?


During this ceremony all of the twelve year olds in "The Giver" learn what their jobs will be for the rest of their lives.

What is "The Ceremony of the Twelve?"


Edgar Allen Poe uses this type of rhyme in Annabelle Lee:

"Can ever dissever my soul from the soul"

What is an internal rhyme, or assonance?


This required freshmen course will help new students learn the basics of how high school works.

What is freshmen on-track?


On a plot map, this part of the story introduces the characters, setting, and main conflict.

What is the exposition?


This villain in "The Tell Tale Heart" murders an old man because of his annoying blue eye.

*Hint: who is telling the story?

Who is Edgar Allen Poe's "narrator?"


This word - which normally means 'to set free' - has an alternate meaning in the book "The Giver."

Points for the word, as well as the meaning in the book.

What is "release," which means death, in The Giver?


This database that Mrs. Snyder showed us in the library is the most reliable place to gather information during research.

What is OSLIS database?


This ex-high-school basketball player now works as a gas station attendant, even though everyone thought we would join the NBA.

Who is Flick Webb?


Students who graduate from Reynolds High School (or any high school in Oregon) need this many credits, and also need to earn at least this grade in each class.

*Bonus given for the average grade needed to attend college after high school

What is 24 credits and a "D"?